love is all we've got (killian jones, 4)

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Esme opened her eyes, her head felt heavy and her body sore

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Esme opened her eyes, her head felt heavy and her body sore. She took in her surroundings, not really recognizing where she was. All she knew was that she was lying in a really comfortable bed. It took a moment, but soon she realized she was on the Jolly Roger, and sitting right next to her, was Killian.

"Hello, sleeping beauty" he smiled, and if she was being honest, Esme liked the sensation of waking up to the sight of Killian.

"What happened?"

"You passed out. You quite literally fell into my arms. I'd like to think it's because I'm devilishly handsome, but are you feeling alright, love?"

Esme laughed, and sat on the bed, getting closer to Hook's face.

"I am. It must have been low blood sugar, or something"

Killian raised an eyebrow, showing he didn't buy it, but he didn't push the situation. Esme was glad, because she had no idea what was going on with her either.

"I assume this is the captain's quarters" she commented, looking around, and Killian smirked. "What a luxury"

"Only the best for you, love"

Esme blushed, and looked down.

"So, wait, are we on our way home?"

"Aye. You want to see?"

Killian guided Esme to the deck, where the rest of the group celebrated they had finally left Neverland. Esme looked down, excited to see the ocean, but instead of coming across with waves and water, she saw nothing but clouds. She stood there agape.

"Are we...?"

"Flying? Indeed we are" Killian said, proud of his Jolly Roger.

"Oh, wow"

"I know we're in the sky, because you're here, and you're an angel"

Esme chuckled and tried to brush off Killian's comment, but heat rose to her cheeks, and she realized she had never blushed this much in her entire life. She had no idea it was this easy to get her flustered, and she hoped she didn't look like a tomato while she did it, at least.

"Stop flirting, or I might faint again" The captain laughed loudly, and naturally wrapped an arm around Esme's waist, as if it was a usual gesture between them.

Her head started spinning, and suddenly she became very aware of the closeness between her body and Killian's. Trying to quiet her own mind, she started talking.

"Wow, we really are flying. Can one get seasick but by flying? Like, skysick? Is that possible?"

Being absorbed in each other, what Killian and Esme failed to realize, was that Emma and Regina stood behind, looking at them, with concern and realization in their faces.


After spending some time looking at the day sky with Killian, Esme had to lay down, after being surprised by a terrible headache, and an ache in her chest that felt like she was being stabbed repeatedly.

She was, once again, lying in Killian's bed, with him placing a wet cloth on her forehead, when Emma and Regina came into the room, and expressed that they wanted to talk with Esme, alone. Killian obediently left, and the women sat in front of the pale woman, who wasn't looking too well.

"What's up?"

"We're worried about you, Esme" Emma started. Esme clicked her tongue.

"Ah, it's nothing, I promise. All the hot days and sleepless nights at Neverland just got the best of me, that's all"

Clearly, Regina, though she cared for Esme very much, didn't have the same patience as Emma.

"Stop, do you seriously not realize what's going on?"

"If you know so much, please enlighten me" Esme bit back.

Emma, being the Savior that she was, quickly came to the rescue.

"Esme, what Regina is trying to say is that you can't keep acting like we don't have reasons to worry. The demon is still inside you, and you are so strong for containing it the way you are, but clearly, something is wrong"

Esme bit her lip, refusing to accept said scenario. She was stronger than that.

"I don't know, maybe Pan did something to the demon"

"I don't think Pan did something new to it" Emma stared at her, completely serious. "I think the demon is working exactly as it's supposed to"

"What are you talking about?"

"You've started to feel weak, right?" Regina joined, calmer this time. "Have you noticed if that frailness appears at a specific moment? Perhaps after you've spent time with someone in particular?"

At this point, Esme was growing desperate, sighing and trying to stand up from the bed, but a wave of dizziness stopped her before she could make a scene.

"I'm sorry, I really don't understand a word you're saying"

"Alright, we're just going to say it" Regina, again, got impatient.

"The demon feeds on love, right Esme?" Emma asked, and the woman nodded, not comprehending why they kept going over the same things. "Well, aren't you in love?"

Esme stared at Emma and Regina, completely speechless and wanting to burst into laughter. She kept waiting for them to laugh, to get to the punch line of the joke, but they never did. Finally, Esme understood they were actually serious, and it was the most absurd thing she had ever heard in her life.

"In love? Are you insane? Who would I even be in love with?"

Perhaps Emma and Regina insinuating that Esme, a woman who had never loved at all, was enamored, was implausible and ridiculous. Yet when she heard herself out loud asking who could she be in love with, she knew the answer. She knew what her friends would answer, and deep down, she knew the answer she would give, as well.

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