Can change everything

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General POV
The aid car hit a patch of ice, losing control. They hit a barrier at the edge of the road, rolling 3 times before stopping upside down in a ditch at the side of the road.

A few minutes later another car drove by, saw it and called 911. It took 15 minutes for help to arrive because of the weather. 19 was the first to arrive.

"No. No, no, no!" Travis said as the aid car came into view, he was driving with captain Beckett next to him.
Everyone in the back starting asking what was going on as Travis drove them closer and stopped.
"It's aid 19"

Everyone got out and immediately starting grabbing tools and running over to the aid car. They found Sullivan in the front, awake.
"Sullivan, what happened" Vic asked
"I don't know. Ice? The roads weren't that bad"

"Weren't that bad? The roads are in horrible condition." Vic thought, but didn't say anything because yelling at him wouldn't help anything right now.
"Ok, where are you hurt?" She asked him
"Headache, maybe a concussion and I'm stuck"
"Ok, did you lose consciousness?"
"Ya, I think so, I don't know how long I was out"
"Alright, what about Maya? Do you have a patient?"
"Yes, we have a patient. He wasn't critical, I don't know about Bishop, she's in the back."
I put a C-collar on him and went to see how everyone else was doing since he seemed stable and I needed help getting him out anyways. The sub was checking the engine for any signs of fire and Beckett was on the radio while Warren and Montgomery were trying to get the back doors open.
"Captain, we have 3 victims. Sullivan's in the front, he's conscious and reports that Bishop and a patient are in the back" I yell to Beckett.
Aid 23 pulls up and Andy and Theo get out as Beckett tells dispatch we need 2 more aid cars.
"Ruiz, assess the driver. Herrera get ready to help with the people in the back" Beckett says, at least he has the sense not to put Andy with Sullivan.

We get Sullivan out and onto a backboard but don't send him to the hospital yet since the ETA on another aid car is unknown and we don't know the condition of Maya or their patient yet because we still don't have the doors open.
Finally we get the doors open with the the jaws, we see the patient first and get him out. Travis and I take him so that Warren and Andy can help Maya, Warren because he's a doctor and Andy because she needs to be with her best friend.

Andy POV
Once they get the patient out we start working on getting the broken gurney out so that we can get in there and find Maya. Finally we can see her.
"Maya!" I yell when I see her. She's unconscious, bleeding from a gash on her head and from her abdomen where there's a piece of metal sticking out of her, she's so pale. But that's not what's concerning me the most, her neck's at a strange angle.
We both rush over to her, terrified.

"Pulse! She has a pulse" Warren says and we both relax the slightest bit. At least she's alive.
"She's barely breathing, we need to intubate and get her on the monitor" I tell him
"C-collar first" he says, looked at me. I can tell we're thinking the same thing.
"We need help in here!" I yell into my radio. "Get me a C-collar, backboard, monitor and jump bag, now!"
Vic and Travis run over with all the stuff, Vic coming in to help.
"Ok, Hughes, stabilize her body while I move her head, then Herrera, put the collar on her. Got it?" Warren says
We both nod, trying not to cry. We get the collar on her without moving her too much.
"Now, Herrera, take over holding her head while I intubate"
Vic and I are both completely fine with letting Warren be in charge since he has the most medical training. I carefully switch places with him so he can intubate. It takes a while since she's on her side and we're not tilting her head back but we can't lay her on her back because there's a piece of metal going through her and we don't want to move her neck more than absolutely necessary. He gets her intubated and starts bagging her while Vic cuts the front of her shirt to get her hooked up to the monitor. Her vitals aren't good but she's stable enough for now. Vic gets an IV in and hooks her up to fluids to compensate for the blood loss before continuing to cut off her shirt so we can see what damage the metal's doing.

She cuts away the front of her shirt and tapes gauze around the metal before moving around behind her to cut the shirt from the back. As she's cutting the shirt she freezes, staring at Maya in shock.


Part 2! I hope you like it, I can't believe how many people have read the first part already! Let me know what you think

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