Chapter 17

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Dreams pov

"Two. Weeks."

I lay in bed just thinking about that phrase. Ugh, now I can't even see Tommy. Wait... he said I'm not going anywhere besides- the cafeteria. If there's a way I could get food for this trip- it's that.

Immediately getting up, I look around the room for anything that I can use when leaving to so far away. First, I'm going to need a bag of some sort- Lucky for me, there's a duffle bag next to the dresser, which was probably used when they brought in all the stuff for me. Then I already have clothes and such- so only really need food, which I could possibly get from the cafeteria.

Okay so bag, clothes, food, a way out- What about disguise? I'm sure finding a mask of some sort won't be to difficult day of, and if I don't immediately it shouldn't be a huge problem.

Now, I wait. Very few days until I can go there and get food, but I should probably wait until last second so it doesn't go bad as quick. I hope I can find something else there when the food spoils as well.


"You may now be escorted." I walk with the new set of guards to get lunch. Breakfast ended up being in my room today, so it's the first time I get to go in there after a while.

When in the line, I try to notice any ways that I could get food. Having pre-made meals in a bag probably isn't the best idea if I'm looking to be away for a long time.

I try keeping an eye on what's behind the food service workers. A wall, but a small window that shows a room without anyone inside. I barely notice the food on shelves, but now have a good idea of the layout.

As I leave the line with my sub, I notice the doors used to get in the kitchen. There's one for the front area, and one for the back. Getting stuff won't be to difficult, there's always a lack of guards here when I eat, so I can do it.


At this point, my bags have been almost fully packed. I keep it hidden under my bed to prevent suspicion, and using my window will be a good way to get it down without passing a bunch of guards with a massive duffle bag for no reason. Only thing now- is the food.

My time locked in away from the outside ends in only a couple days, which also means my last chances of seeing Tommy does as well. I cannot tell you how many times I've wished and wished to come up with something soon so he doesn't get hurt any more. He already has well more than enough.


I cry as I lay in my sheets. Tomorrow is the day. I'm so excited and glad I might be able to help- but yet so filled with so much sorrow.

What if I mess up? What if I don't find a way? What if I die trying?

What if he dies- because of me?

Knowing around what time it is, I sit up from my bed to start preparing for dinner.

I take a deep breath. In and out.

I need to get the food, so I'll have to be on my feet. I wear the biggest hoodie I have, just baggy enough to hopefully contain everything without looking to out of place. Just as I finish up, my door opens to two guards wanting to show me to the cafeteria, I follow fast.

When I'm finally arrived, I first get dinner in the regular station and sit in the same seat I have been since I first got here. While eating the dish, I mistakenly drop the utensil I was using to eat it. With a sigh, I lean down to pick it up, but notice something under the table while doing so.

A note. The messy handwriting reads come straight to the cafeteria bathroom when you see this.

Signed- Tommy. He wrote me a note- he's such an idiot, he's so lucky I'm the only one that saw it, or at least read it. But yet my excitement rises at the thought of seeing him before I go- and also manages to lower for the same reason. The fact I am going to go.

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