Chapter 13

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Dreams pov

"Sir, subject one is missing." I gasp, quickly throwing a hand over my mouth.

"What? What do you mean he's missing?"

"We were informed that he had left to go to his room alone, but upon expection we've not been able to find him in there." What do I do? What do I do-

"Are you sure he's not just with Mrs. Jones or in the cafeteria?"

"We checked, nothing." I barely hear the man whisper a swear under his breath.

"Then what are you doing? Keep searching! Check outside around the area if you have to." The guards then run out, and the man stands still for a moment, leaving his office moments later.

I finally let out a breath. What could I say? I can't tell them I came in here, but yet, I don't know what else I could say.

What if I tell them I just got lost? I've been here for three years, like they'd believe that. What if I say I was with Tommy? Then they'd never trust us being together. Act sick?

Wait, that might just be it. What if I go in an area that seems hidden, but most likely would be checked. I might even be able to make myself pass out. If it doesn't work, then whatever, nothing else has a chance.

Seeing as it's been a while since I've heard any movement, I walk out the door of the office, slowly closing it back to how it was before. Now, a place that'd make sense for me to be in. Maybe just on the floor of my room, and with a blanket over me too. I know they'd find me, but they definitely checked there so no way I could have just appeared, which is where the blanket comes in.

On the way there, I notice a guard by the door, I quickly stepping to the side out of view. Shit. But just as I think that plan is thrown out, my luck strikes again. The guard is called down, meaning they left, so I can bolt for it. And that's exactly what I do.

The second I'm in my room, I quickly but quietly close the door, immediately running to get into place moments later. Just then, seconds after being ready, the door flings open.

I attempt to hold my breath and push air without letting any loose to make myself light headed and hopefully pass out.

I've only done this once before, which happened in elementary school completely on accident. I used to do this stupid 'trick' to make my face quickly go red. One of those days I ended up passing out from it, which made me never allow myself to again.

I feel myself getting more and more dizzy, blocking out the background talking.

"Is that him?" The sudden comment causes me to finally let go of the held in breath. I feel myself being held up by my two arms, keeping my eyes closed from the discomfort of what I've done.

"Subject one." I slowly open my eyes, they let go of me once I'm put on my feet. After a wobble, I hold my head in my hands, feeling super dizzy with a headache. I eventually gain back control, looking the man in the eyes.

"Where were you?" I rub my head a bit more. Not only to soothe myself, but to put on an act.

"I- I don't know. After I talked with Eren and came back, I got such a horrible headache. Next thing I knew, I'm woken up by you guys picking me up." I hope it's believable. But to be fair I only had to act the easy part of lying, considering the headaches real.

"Hm. Then why couldn't the guards seem to find you before?"

"Does it look like I know? I really did just wake back up, sorry." My apologies refer to the more extra tone I used moments before. He takes a breath.

"Just- okay. You can go back to sleep if you please, and we'll send in some painkillers for the headache." The guards try to talk, but he shushes them. "They'll arrive in a bit, in the meantime try to drink some water." He them walks out, gesturing for the rest to follow.

But the moment the door is closed, I hear them talking. I listen in.

"We know the subject wasn't there before, we checked everywhere!"

"Stop your whining. Look. We can't be so hard on him anymore. He's shown his loyalty, and we know that. One small hiccup if fine, especially since he's one of the most important people to be with us."


"No buts. I want you to grab the medicine for his headache, not a single word shall escape your mouths further." Footsteps fill the silence as they walk off away.

Not long later I'm given two pills to take, I thank them while they leave. Though, I do have a headache, I instead flush them down the toilet. I think they've given me enough of their drugs as it is, I don't need to take anymore than I already am forced to.


A week passes, and still not a sign of Tommy anywhere. There goes the only hope I've had of having a friend. I mean, I didn't even really get to know the guy as much as I would've liked too. The only way they probably could've thought the idea was bad was considering the fact he's a guard, and could potentially purposefully let me get away with things.

I just hope they come to a realization of taking that particular power completely away from him, if he has it at all.

"Hey- Clay-" I jump at the random, but sudden, phrase. I also notice the small opening in the door unhinged, which is weird to even be unlocked considering I'm not back on testing yet. "You there?" I almost forget about the voice, but walk over to discover it's needs.


"I don't have to much time-"

"Tommy?" I recognize it, now smiling from being able to talk once again.

"Yes, Tommy, big man, whatever you please." I chuckle.

"Think I'll just stick with Tommy."

"Okay, but you see there's a spot open for me to be your guard. And while it'll be difficult to convince, it's still a possibility if I really show I can handle it." My grin just grows. If that happens, then I'll finally be happy again. "You see, not many people are willing you guard you when you have a virus-"

"Wait, what?"

"That's the main reason why there is an opening, actually. You're getting tested on so much that they're almost scared to be around you."

"But what if you attract it?" I now act a bit more worried, not wanting him to ever need to go through it.

"It's alright, have you seen all the new suits we get to protect us?" Thinking about it, I do see just how unlikely it would be for him to get it. "Also, whenever the guards check symptoms it's up to the few that look after you, not necessarily DAV." Though I don't like hearing the name, I still feel more happier as I know what he's saying.

"So if you were to become one of my guards-"

"Then I could hang out with you anytime we need to check, as the rest of them are babies. And me doing it everytime can get create more trust towards me, even if it's you I'm guarding or checking."

"That's so aweso-" But before finishing my word, the hatch shuts vigorously. "Wh-" I then hear many footsteps, some leading away, and others getting closer.

He did say he didn't have much time, probably had somewhere to go or was forbidden to talk to patients. Some other voices can be heard out there, but they're very faint and practically inaudible.

My my door soon opens as a man walks inside.

"Your testing will soon begin again shortly."

1346 words

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