Chapter 14

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Dreams pov

"Your testing will soon begin again shortly." I nod my head. But seconds later, the hatch Tommy was talking through earlier falls back open right as he was about to leave. "Oh, that's interesting."

I question him, but he mainly waves it off. "Looks like someone forgot to lock it since your last test." The man then takes a key from his pocket, shutting the small door and locking it. "It'll be open soon anyways, probably in two or three days I'd say." I nod again, now being able to prepare more.

You know, recently I've been able to see other subjects and how they react as well. It's sad to see it but a lot of them are different people and it's interesting. I honestly don't know how life works outside of being a main subject, but I bet it's at least a little easier than mine.


Testing day once again. It ended up being three days since I was told, actually. Normally it'd be the earlier day they give the possibility, but I'm not complaining with the extra free day.

The thing that scares me the most about these, is the fact that everytime it's a little bit worse than the last. Not the injections individually, but the sets as a whole.

Now the last one I had, where I needed medical attention, didn't have many powerful different ones. But when I got to the final, it made me feel more pain than ever before. So even though the first few weren't to bad, the last makes up for it.

"You going to go in?" I come back to reality of the previous nightmare, gulping as I stand infront of the tall doors, forcing myself to say yes. "Alright."

The shot only takes a second. Being the first, it doesn't need much time to put the small dosage amount in me. I'm sent back to my room, and the day plays out just as any other testing week does. Eat the delivered food, occasionally work out, and sometimes even play the chess game they agreed to download on my phone.

But as I wake up a few mornings after, I hear a knock on my door. I ask what was needed in a groggy voice. It opens.

"Good morning, Clay." I sit up from my bed with a cough, practically showing off my messy hair. "I understand you've just awoke, but there's been a small arrangement, and you're going to have to promise me this. Continue sticking to our rules, and follow." I nod my head, trying to think what it could possibly be.

Just then, another person walks through the door in the same suit, my eyes widen. "Tom, please record his symptoms on this sheet. Thank you for your bravery." The man looks me in the eyes once more, then steps out and closes the door.

"See? I told you I could do it." I smile big.

"You actually did it- you genius!"

"I know, I know. I am quite amazing aren't I." If I wasn't the small bits afraid of him getting sick, then I would've jokingly hit his arm for that one. After we joke and laugh for a bit, he let's me know that he really does need my symptoms and such though, so I give them.

When we're finished, he waves goodbye before leaving. "I'll see you again tomorrow, get better soon, Bitch." I laugh as the door closes.


Day after day I'm visited again by him, making jokes, and his funnily harsh phrases making me laugh. I can really see how he is now. In the beginning he was a bit more closed off, but now he's acting, how I assume, the way he always did.

I also continue to use my time out for the train and such, which I always seem to forget about until they mention I can go.

Now more weeks pass as Tommy stays one of the guards of mine. But as we laugh during another check, I notice him look off to the side with a frown.

"Hey- Tommy?" He looks back, trying to smile and cover something as he asks what I need. "Are you okay?" He looks away.

"Uh- yeah psh. Why do you even ask?"

"Because I can just see it in your eyes, Tommy. You can tell me what's wrong, you can tell me anything, I'm here for you." He turns back with a more sad but somewhat suprised expression.

"No one's ever said that to me, except for-" He cuts himself off, shaking his head as he looks down to hold it in his hands. "Do you really want to know?"

"If your comfortable with telling me, then yes." He takes a deep breath, now laying back on to the bed.

"Well, I just really miss Tubbo. He was my best friend in the whole world and we did everything together. Even when I had no one left he was still there." I tilt my head at the last phrase, he breathes again. "When I was little, my parents were in the military, meaning they could only visit me for about a month each year. I loved those times I had with them too. I stayed with my grandma during that time, but they never returned after the last time I saw them, and my grandma has passed since then."

"Oh my god-" I put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm so sorry-" He closes his eyes as one tear falls down his cheek.

"I still lived in her house. No food, no water, but lucky to have a roof over my head. But that's where Tubbo comes in. He was the one to supply me with all the stuff I needed to survive, and always made sure I had enough and invited me over to his house at any chance he got." He sits back up. "Sorry for getting all sappy," he chuckles. "I CAN'T EVEN WIPE OFF MY FUCKING TEARS CAUSE OF THIS BLOODY SUIT, COME ON!"

We laugh for a bit, eventually coming to another relax. "But yeah, that's about it. I just miss my bee boy." I nod my head.

"I didn't have any friends, but I really do miss my parents."

"I'm sorry-"

"Nono, don't be sorry, it's not your fault."

"I know, but I feel bad." He looks off to the side. "You know, I'm so, so glad I met you. I didn't think I'd ever even get a friend here since Tubbo. All the guards that surround me on the daily see me as this all tough person, and it's just- so hard." Footsteps sound their way around my room, Tommy quickly stands to his feet. "I probably have to go now- but thank you so much for this- it really helped." I smile.

"It's no problem, Tommy. Anytime." He nods his head, opening the doors before leaving with his sheet filled of my symptoms.

The moment he's gone, I lay back into my bed, thinking about our conversation throughout this time. I really hope it gets easier for him, I'll try to do anything I could to help.

1200 words

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