Chapter 3

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George's pov

Loud beeping sounds fill my ears as I swiftly awaken. As much as I'm tempted to hit snooze, I shut off the alarm and start to get up. Right, it's her first day of school. It'd be very nice if there was a bus that came this way, but the nearest one is well to far for me to trust her to walk to alone.

I'm still so glad I'm out of school though. I never really had friends in it, or was ever in a relationship. But yet again, it's not like I liked anyone anyways.

Once I get dressed and grab my keys and phone, I rush downstairs to see her finishing up her food.

"Thank you for driving her to school, George. I really appreciate it." I smile at mom.

"It's no problem, really." Glancing back down, I notice a finished plate, taking it from the table to hand it to mom. "You ready to go?" She nods. Once I quickly put on my shoes, we're off to the car. "Excited for high school, are you? Better not be bringing home any boys." I tease her, she lightly punches me with a laugh.

Eventually arriving to the school, I wave her goodbye once out of the vehicle. I stay sat still in the parking spot for a bit to relax, pulling out my phone to check for anything I've possibly missed. To my suprise, I have a text from my friend asking to call. After ringing him for a moment, he answers. "Sapnap? Why are you calling so early-"

"George! Okay, so, basically, you know how I was doing online school this year?"


"Well, since it's online, I technically can talk to you during it without them knowing." I laugh.

"Sapnap- I finished school, so, so do you." I hang up the call as a form of protest. Probably wasn't the best idea for him to go through with online. But he did do it because Zak was in it. Haven't heard from him in a while, hope he's doing okay. Maybe on the weekend we can all play together again, with Bad as well.


After many days pass, the weekend finally arrives. I text Bad, Zak, and Sapnap, asking if they were free to play the game and catch up. To my suprise, they all were! We all enter a call, logging into this Minecraft server called Hypixel, also talking about how our lifes are, eventually just joking around.

During the game, Sapnap makes a joke, randomly creating a name called 'Skeppy' for Zak. You know what? I actually really like that. I think I'll call him that from now on. It's funny because I'm the only one now without a nickname, unless you count the teasing of 'Greg'.


Many days pass of the same routine. The same car trip, and the same weekends. Those days eventually forming into weeks, into a full month. My birthday is actually tomorrow now, November 1st, time seems to fly now that I'm out of school. I still have yet to see my dad since the business trip, but mom said he's coming for my birthday! So he should be back today- But tomorrow is okay too.

It's already getting late, no sign of him. Maybe when I wake up he'll be here? If I just go to bed now then time should go bye faster, so I'll see him sooner. You know what? Yeah, I'll go to bed.


I roll to my side, having disturbed my sleep. But I notice a faint- whispering? Someone behind me- but not my mom, sister, nor dad. Wait-

"I think he's awake-" I barely make out the words. Could it be- but before getting out my thought, I'm jump scared by loud party blowers and a yells.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GEORGE!" I sit up fast, covering my eyes.

"Oh my god-" I laugh, slowly opening them as I look to the side- But once upon seeing him, I go wide-eyed. "Wha-"

"Hey, George!"

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