❥ 32| strawberry red

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WHEN I WOKE UP, the world was coated in gold and everything around me glowed

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WHEN I WOKE UP, the world was coated in gold and everything around me glowed.

I blinked again, rubbing my eyes to clear them and pushed myself up from the bed. I looked around, confused by my surroundings for a few seconds before missing pieces of information began to settle in one by one.

I must have fallen asleep sometime after Zayaan and I had come upstairs and had talked about the most random things. He wasn't in the room anymore, so he must have gone downstairs to the rest of the family. I covered my eyes with my still surprisingly cold hands, embarrassed that he was the injured one but it was me who'd ended up taking a nap.

The clock on the bedside table read six, which meant I'd been asleep for at least three hours. I got out of the bed with a sigh, going to stand in front of the mirror on the wardrobe. The curtains weren't drawn and the setting sun filled the room in its beautiful golden sheen, doing my complexion a great favour as I stared at my reflection. My hair was a chocolate-brown mess and I tried my best to smooth it out, the waves looking more like curls that didn't want to stay still behind my ears. Giving up on my hand-combing when my hair managed to look as tame as I could get it to be, I grabbed the tub of Vaseline I spotted on the bedside table, dabbing it on to give my lips some more moisture.

Other than that, I looked fine. Great, even. My eyes had taken on a lighter shade of blue that evening, my skin had a dewy look to it, my lips hydrated and full. Running my hand through my hair one more time, I walked over to the door and opened it to hear laughter and chatter downstairs.

I descended the stairs slowly, feeling the silky material of my skirt brush my ankles. The chatter immediately stopped when I walked into the large living room, feeling everyone's eyes on me.


"Faithe!" Nafasat grinned. "Come and sit." She patted the spot beside her on the plush, navy blue sofa.

I obliged, trailing over to sit next to her. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"That's completely fine, azizam. You haven't rested properly in more than three days: if I were you, I'd have slept for far longer."

I nodded, warm at the memory of another endearment in Farsi. I'd asked him what it meant, but he'd just shrugged, not revealing what it was.

"Where's Zayaan?"

The dimples in her cheeks popped out as her smile grew. "In the garden."

"The garden?"

"Yeah." She rubbed the spot between her brows. "He claimed he was bored with nothing to do since I wasn't about to let him get on with any work, and so he went over to the garden."

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