❥ 31| beauty and wit

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Zayaan sighed again, trying to protest. "Do I really need a wheelchair? It's all of ten steps between the corridor and the hospital exit."

I ignored him, just trying to help him settle in without getting distracted. "Are you comfortable?"

"Yes. Thank you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes," he repeated.

"Your cast doesn't itch, does it?"

"No, Faithe."

"Nezrin put all of your medicine in your bag, right?"

He finally looked up at me. "Has anyone ever told you that you ask too many questions?"

Rude. "Has anyone ever told you that you complain too much?"

He rolled his eyes with an amused sigh. "Only my wife."

"Only my husband then."

"And only I have to end up with the pleasure of watching the two of you flirt under the guise of arguing." Zakariyah stepped inside, crossing his arms as he shot us both a large grin.

"Not flirting," we both said at the same time.

Zak's grin only grew larger. "Oh, the couple doth protest too much. Ready to go?"

"Uh-huh." I grabbed Zayaan's hospital bag and thrust it into my brother-in-law's arms. "Here. Take this."

He pulled it over his shoulder with a smile and followed behind me as I pushed the wheelchair through the corridor, with a very disgruntled Zayaan actively ignoring us.

A few doctors and nurses stopped in their path to bid us farewell with a smile that Zayaan was too polite to not return. Zak and I snickered the entire way to the exit until Reza came over to help Zayaan get to the car.

"I'm fine, bâbâ," he said, but Reza shook his head, silently shutting his son up.

The car was parked right next to the entrance, where the lorry had been parked a few days ago. The difference was, the sun has risen over the night to give us a sunny day, much more optimism and hope in the air. Most of the children had returned home, where tearful parents had come to thank the Haidars during our time at the hospital with Zayaan. It was just as heartbreaking as it was heart-warming to see the parents reunite with their kids when no one had the right to separate them in the first place.

Zak had also filled Reza in on everything earlier on, about Mahmoud's betrayal and the plane crash, and it even scared me a little to see the way Reza's eyes darkened with unfiltered rage. I was just going to reiterate what I'd realised the first time I met him; Reza Haidar was not someone to be messed with.

We ended up taking two cars back to the Haidar mansion. Reza, Nafasat, Zayaan, Riyad and I in Reza's car; Nezrin, Zak, Banu and Sahil — aka Dr Rezaei — in Zak's car. And of course, Ehan took his motorbike, annoyingly speeding in front of us with a purposefully loud rev of the engine like the asshole that he was.

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