❥ 11| graduation

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Eve laughed, glancing at me to take in my sullen look. "Seriously? We're graduating, Faithe. At least try to look a little happy."

I shrugged. "I'm just not ready to believe that uni is finished. I'm getting my bachelor's degree today, Eve. It's ... scary. I don't know if I'm ready to move on to the next chapter of my life. What am I, if not a student?"

Eve smiled at me, a motherly glint in her eyes. She may have only been three months older than me, but she was sometimes like a complete mother figure to me. "Sweetheart, you're going to be a doctor in the next few years. Dr Khan. That's you. Being scared is natural, Faithe. Be you and take it in stride."

I nodded slowly, running my hands up and down my covered arms to ease the goosebumps. I wasn't just scared about finishing university though; I was worried about what would happen after. Tomorrow, I'd be in Iran. It felt like another world that I was about to step into. I didn't like these adult shoes.

Everyone in my life was going to be here today: Aden, my mum and dad, Nafasat and Reza, Nezrin, Zayaan, Logan, and Hana. Though Hana was the same age as us, she went to a private Art Academy in Paris and had a whole other year before she graduated.

Eve and I stayed in her car in the parking lot for a few more minutes, just silently watching life pass by. There were tears on some people's face, some were hugging their loved ones in excitement, while some others just looked ready for the day to be over already.

I exhaled a determined puff of air. "Okay. Let's do this."

She smiled at me, pleased, and we both got out, making our way to the hall where the graduation ceremony was being held.

I immediately saw Aden waving his hands in the air to grab my attention and I laughed, running over to him and throwing myself into his open arms.

"Congrats, little sis."

I pulled away. "Thanks, Aden. I bet you never thought you'd see the day, huh?"

He shrugged with a slow grin, moving away so the others could congratulate me too. Nafasat and Nezrin hugged me, giving me excited smiles which I returned.

Zayaan, however, just held his hand out to shake, "Congratulations."

"Thanks," I said to him but my mind was already elsewhere and I didn't bother to question his offhandish behaviour.

Logan wasn't there. I tried not to be upset, but I couldn't help it and be bothered that he didn't seem to care that I was graduating at all, and wasn't present.

That single thought troubled me for the entire ceremony. When Eve and I went to get seated after Hana arrived, I worried about Logan. When they called out everyone's names in alphabetical order, I was doubting whether his confession to me was even true at all. When they called my name and when I walked across the stage to receive my diploma, I was flat-out angry that he'd forgotten.

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