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THE CLICKING OF THE pen was seriously starting to annoy me

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THE CLICKING OF THE pen was seriously starting to annoy me. Even though it was me who was actually clicking it in the first place.

I was stuck in another lecture of tell-tale signs that a psychologist should be able to identify from patients. Don't get me wrong; I absolutely loved psychology and everything to do it, and couldn't wait till the day I could finally become the clinical psychologist that I'd dreamed of becoming ever since I could remember, but this was seriously starting to become repetitive.

We'd already had a couple of lectures similar to this previously, and judging by the looks on my classmates' faces, they weren't very interested with what the professor had to say either.

I sighed, shuffling around in my seat, offering the girl next to me a tentative smile when she lifted her face off from the desk, a red line on her cheek formed from her beauty sleep. She shot me a suspicious look, and I looked away, thanking God when my phone vibrated in my bag, finding me a reprieve. I dug around in my jungle of a bag, and after no little effort — because no matter how hard a woman tried to organise her bag, it always magically messed itself up — I took my phone out to see my husband's name flashing on the screen.

I stared at it curiously, but after taking a look around, I ducked lower and put the phone to my ear. Since I was sitting near the back, there weren't that many people that I'd potentially annoy with my whispering.


"Come out with me."


"I'm waiting for you outside."

I blinked. Huh? "I'm in class, Zayaan. Why are you outside?"

"I'm taking you somewhere. And I had a feeling that you really didn't want to be in class right now — that you needed an escape — so I decided to come pick you up," he informed me.

"Where are you taking me?" I tried to whisper, but didn't think I exactly achieved that.

"It's a surprise. So, you coming or what?"

"Yeah, yeah. Coming, coming." I gathered my belongings as I stood up and jogged down the stairs, feelings a few pairs of eyes on my back and shot the professor an apologetic look. "Isn't your partner supposed to be a good influence on you? But here you are, corrupting my education already and we haven't even been married for a whole month."

I heard him laugh, and the sound warmed something inside of me. "Maybe I should leave then? And leave you to get your education?"

"No, no. It's fine. Don't you dare leave." I warned seriously, feeling my breath catch in my throat as I jogged through the halls and past the giant entrance doors. "I needed a break, anyway."

I spotted Zayaan, leaning against his Mercedes, parked right in front of my university, looking like he stepped out of a photo shoot as usual. He raised a hand in greeting, and I ran over to him, a wide smile forming on my face.

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