❥ 03| infatuation

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AFTER SAYING GOODBYE TO our parents, I stepped out and immediately ran to my brother's car

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AFTER SAYING GOODBYE TO our parents, I stepped out and immediately ran to my brother's car. I got in when he unlocked it and immediately turned on the heater. It was mid-February and freezing.

One good thing about driving home with Aden was that he was a fast driver. Maybe not the safest at all times, but he drove quickly and it was convenient. The drive usually took half an hour from my parents' house to my flat but with Aden, it took a little over half the time, depending on the traffic.

Traffic was heavy tonight and I sighed, watching rain droplets race down the windows. It would be pouring rain in no time.

"You okay? Not regretting your decision already, are you?" 

"No, idiot. I'm happy with my choice."

"Well, I'm actually impressed. Your lucky stars made sure no guy had to endure the wrath of our mother. No matter who you chose, he wouldn't be good enough for her and she'd use any excuse to criticise and complain about him. But Zayaan's going to end up becoming another son to her; she loves him already. So, at least you got lucky in that department."

I scoffed, although I completely agreed with him. No other guy would match up to her standards and Mum would constantly look down her nose at whoever the poor guy potentially could have ended up being. But since she chose Zayaan, she would be perfectly content with him. Though I still hadn't seen him and had no idea what he looked like, what he did or even how old he was. I opened my mouth to ask Aden if he knew anything about my fiancé when his phone rang.


"Hello?" Pause. "God, you sound completely wasted." Another pause. "Where are you?" Pause again. "Why the hell are you at the park? Did you get lost?" Aden sighed. "Fine, just wait there. I'll be there in five." He hung up and turned to me with an apologetic look. "Do you mind if we–"

I started to shake my head before he even finished his sentence. "I don't mind. We can go. Where is he, anyway?"

"He was at a pub with his friend but she had to leave and so Logan decided to get drunk all on his own. Man thought he could then walk home on his own but ended up wandering into the local park and doesn't have a clear enough head to get home now."

I shuddered. "And now he needs a lift. This is why you shouldn't drink. It's harmful to your body and leaves you disoriented and vulnerable. Why do people willingly do that to themselves?"

"Beats me, Faithe. Ask a person who does drink. Not me."

We drove silently for the rest of the short drive to the local park, where there sat a lone figure on one of the benches, getting drenched in the blistering downpour.

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