"Jace doesn't have the time," Clary argues. 

"Get on the other side of him," Dad instructs, ignoring Clary's panic, and he takes my hand to pull me towards him. Clary helps hold Jace up as Dad lifts my top to access my Iratze rune, activating it with Jace's stele. My vision clears slightly, but it doesn't stop my head from throbbing. I blink and take a small breath, suddenly realising I never answered Dad's question. 

"My head hurts," I answer him. He squeezes my hand and turns to Clary who is only staring at Jace, though she still manages to talk to my dad. 

"She keeps repeating that," she murmurs. Dad stares at my face and after a moment his jaw clenches, just how Jace always clenches his when trying to hide anger or frustration.

"It's because she has a severe concussion. Her left pupil is twice the size as her right." Dad begins walking us towards the  standing portal and I stay close to him, not wanting to leave his side. "Do you have somewhere in mind where we can go?" He asks Clary. 

"Yeah, I know where to go."


We emerge from the portal and I blink to take in where we are. My heart picks up speed when I realise that we are standing in front of the Chinese restaurant acting as a wolf den. Dad and Clary walk towards the restaurant, holding Jace up between them, and I find myself being tugged after them by Dad's strong grip on my hand. I don't want to be here, not after the last time I was here. I fight against Dad's grip and find myself falling over my feet. Dad keeps me from hitting the ground, but I can tell that he's struggling. 

"Maelys, my child, we're almost there, just a little further," Dad tries to encourage me, but I hesitate still. 

"Don't force her, she won't have the greatest memories of this place," Jace grunts in my defence. Dad pauses and he lets out a frustrated groan before briefly turning to Clary. 

"Hold him a second," he instructs her. He removes his grip on Jace and moves to me, sitting me down against a crate. He quickly runs Jace's stele over my Iratze rune and I feel the fog of my vision lift completely. Finally. I sigh in relief and I look up to my dad. I can see him properly for the first time and I'm suddenly feeling so overwhelmed by it. He really is here. He shoves Jace's stele in my hand and kisses the side of my head. "Use this ever so often until your head is clear." I nod and with that he leaves with Jace and Clary. 

I'm not sure how long it's been, but I have watched Clary leave with Simon and return to the Chinese restaurant alone whilst activating my Iratze enough times for my headache to become nothing at all. Part of me thinks I should have picked myself off the floor to help, but I know that he's going to be okay. With Clary bursting a blood vessel over him and my Dad there, I have no doubt in my mind about it. But I find myself listening to the other part of me that wants nothing to do with the werewolf den, or Clary, or Jace at this point. Now my head is clear, I'm hating myself for accepting their help. I want nothing to do with either of them; them helping me with a concussion is not even close to making up for everything they have done. 

The door to the Chinese restaurant opens and my head twitches towards it to see Dad walking towards me. A soft smile curls his lips and the closer he gets the more I can see relief in his eyes. I return the smile when he takes a seat next to me. I wrap my arm around his and he clasps his hand around mine. My smile widens, my head moving to rest upon his shoulder. I feel content and happy now that I have my dad back. Now that he's back I don't need to worry about anything because he will look after me. 

"Is Jace okay?" I mumble and I feel him nod against my head.

"He's better now, he's had a blood transplant. How are you feeling?" He asks softly. 

Monster or Angel - Alec LightwoodUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum