21 - Compromised

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I sit in the centre of Aldertree's office with my wrists bound together on my lap. A deep frown is etched into my face and I fight every urge surging through me to punch Raj in the face. He and the other man that brought me here are stood, eyes locked on me, on either side of my chair. I know that they're trying to intimidate me, but I feel no fear. No, rather I feel rage. Rage at Clary for saying anything, rage at Aldertree for detaining me, and rage at Raj for his stupid smirk.

The door opens and I don't turn, unable to remove my glare from Raj, but Aldertree is soon moving into my view. He gives me a long look out of the corner of his eye before facing me completely. He leans against the desk and sighs, looking at me as if he is contemplating what to do with me. But I think we both know he knows exactly what he's about to do.

"Maelys Morgenstern," Aldertree muses, his eyes turning cold. "That was something you forgot to mention earlier."

"Valentine might say that he is my father, but he is no such thing," I snap.

"From what I've learnt, he was posing as Michael Wayland, using his death as an out after he had finished with the both of you," Aldertree says and my frown deepens.

"What the hell are you trying to imply?"

"I spoke with Jocelyn. Did you know that Jace has demon blood?"

My body freezes as I stare at him. Jace has demon blood? But how does that make sense? He's a shadowhunter, part angel and part mundane, not demon. My gaze lowers from Aldertree and my thoughts race through my mind so quickly that I struggle to hold onto a single one. What if I also have demon blood? What if that is what Valentine meant by fixing me? It would make sense, he hates all beings with demon blood. Which is why it's hard to believe that Jace or I could have any. He wouldn't experiment on us using it, surely not.

"I'll take that as a no," Aldertree says pulling me from my thoughts. He stands and takes a step towards me. "I'll take it that you also have no knowledge of what blood runs through your veins."

"What? And you do?" I ask with a scoff, not liking anything about this discussion.

"The only way we'd know for sure is if we run some tests-" Aldertree begins, but I cut him off.


"No? It was mentioned that Valentine used the phrase, it's fixing you. Don't you want to know what needs fixing?" Aldertree asks.

"I'm a shadowhunter. I'm the best solo mission shadowhunter in Western world. That's all anyone needs to know about me," I hiss, raising my gaze to meet his. He purses his lips for a moment before letting out a breath.

"That may be so, but when Valentine is your father, and you have been injected with something, I have every right to deem you compromised," Aldertree says.

I stay silent as I stare at him and I pray that my expression isn't letting on to the panic in my mind. I can't blame them for thinking I'm compromised, not really. I thought Clary was a spy when I first found out who her father is. If I only I knew then that she isn't capable enough to do that.

"I'm not working with Valentine, nor would I hesitate or debate it. That man may have acted as my father, but the funny thing about growing up is that you morph into your own person along the way. I have trained side by side with people here, they are who's side I belong to," I say, my voice clear as I lean forward in the chair. Raj tenses and narrows his eyes at me. I didn't realise moving was so triggering for him.

"You say that and expect me to believe you? After you've lied to me," Aldertree scoffs, shaking his head.

"Did Clary happen to mention that I have tried to kill Valentine on each encounter?" I ask. Maybe she said something that can help me right now.

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