12 - Operation Meliorn

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We stand outside the DuMort and I awkwardly stand away from the others looking around. I know the Vamps know I'm here, and I'm scared that they're going to come after me now in front of my family. I cross my arms over my chest and I turn when I sense Luke staring at me. Yes, Luke is joining us, which doesn't put me at ease. I know he helped us against the wolves that tortured me, but I don't feel comfortable around him. I don't know the man, and he likes Clary, something must be wrong with him.

Footsteps echo through the tunnel and we all look towards it to see Clary running towards us.She sprints towards Jace and throws herself into his arms, but my attention is focused behind her. My whole body runs cold and I freeze. I must be seeing things, the guilt must have hit me and made me lose all sanity, because my eyes are locked onto the person I never thought I'd see again. Simon. My hands begin to tremble and my lips part as I stare at him.

Jace begins to speak to Clary, but I can't hear him, in fact I can't hear anything over the sound of my heart slamming against my chest. I stumble back as Simon's eyes meet mine and I feel myself grow sweaty from panic. He's alive. Well, not alive, but he is here.

"Hey, Maelys," Simon says as he gives me a small smile. I feel everyone's focus on us, but I can't acknowledge it, or speak to him, or even breathe for that matter. He died. I watched him die. And they brought him back without telling me. He takes a couple of steps towards me and he reaches out for me, but I smack his hand away and stumble back further, my head turning towards Izzy for answers.

"Mae, are you okay?" Izzy asks.

"Y-you," I begin, struggling to figure out what to say.

"Maelys, I'm sorry I got you bitten," Simon says gently to me.

"N-no, Simon, I got you killed, I-" My eyes lock onto Simon. "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, Simon," I say, my voice breaking. I feel tears spring into my eyes and I know everyone can see it. Clary's face drops as she gives me a sympathetic look which would normally make me want to gauge her eyes out, but right now I only care about Simon.

"Hey, it's okay, I'm back now, right?" Simon says with a upbeat attitude to try and make me feel better, but it doesn't. Nothing can make me feel better right now. It's because of me and my stupid addiction that he's like this. I shake my head, quickly wiping the tears that threaten to spill from my eyes.

"No, no, it's not okay, y-you're a vampire because of me. I watched you die, Simon, how are you, how are you back?" I say desperately trying to get a grip of my voice, but it wavers uncontrollably.

"I brought him back," Clary chimes in. My eyes snap to her and I wipe my eyes again. My confusion and sadness now turning to anger.

"You? You just brought him back?" I scoff. My gaze flickers over to Jace and Izzy, clenching my jaw as I stare at them. "You two knew?"

"Yeah, we knew," Jace replies. But if I'm honest I don't care whether Jace knew or not, Izzy knew and didn't tell me. My own Parabatai knew that Simon was alive and didn't tell me.

"You didn't know?" Simon asks as he turns to Clary.

"You think if I had known I would have mourned for you every night?" I seethe.

"I'm sorry, Maelys. We knew that you didn't like vampires," Clary says and I glare at her.

"And we understand why," Simon says moving slightly to Clary's side as if to create a united front. "But you shouldn't be worried, okay? I promise I won't bite you or anything." Simon gives me another soft smile, but I ignore it as my heart drops. Every inch of my freezes and my hand trembles more in response.

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