26 - A Nice Apology

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I groan as my eyes flicker open, wincing at the bright, artificial lighting. My chest still hurts, as does my head, but now the pain has become numbing. Another groan leaves me as I sit up in the infirmary bed. I'm confused for a moment about how I got here, but then my eyes land on Raj who stands leaning against the wall opposite my bed. His arms are crossed over his chest and he stares at me in the most serial killer way. Maybe not, it's just that it wouldn't surprise me if he was a serial killer.

"Ugh, you're not someone I want to see when I wake up," I mumble to which he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, well, if it wasn't for me you'd still be lying face first on the floor," Raj snaps back. I scoff wanting to retort back about how he did this to me, but I stop myself. It's unfair to put the blame on him for this, even if I do hate him. It was the demon.

"My hero," I say sarcastically.

My eyes drop to my chest to see four punctures where Raj's fingers had been. The blood has been cleaned up so I can see clearly what happened and I feel my heart stutter. That asshole demon tried to take my heart. I look up to Raj who continues to watch me.

"Shouldn't this be covered?" I ask gesturing to the wounds.

He shrugs and says, "they're not as deep as they were before. They probably don't need it." I keep my eyes on him for a moment, but I soon nod. He has a point, they don't look too bad nor do they look deep.

"So, is there a reason that you're staring at me like a vulture? Or were you just that worried about me?"

"Don't flatter yourself. Aldertree wanted to speak with you as soon as you woke," he says. My mind stills and a small flicker of hope tugs at my heart. If Aldertree is back, does that mean Jace is too? I shove the covers back and swing my legs off the bed. My feet touch the floor and I stand, though the instant I do I feel my head spin. Raj moves to me, his hand finding my elbow to keep me upright. I shouldn't have moved so quickly.

"No time like the present, hey?" I mutter taking my arm out of his grip.

"Maybe, but there's no need to rush. Aldertree will still be there waiting for you," Raj says. I shoot him a quizzical look.

"Sounds like you are in fact worried about me," I tease. Raj glares at me.

"I'm not worried, it's just-" he sighs shifting uncomfortably on his feet. "It's not every day that you try to shove your hand into someone's chest."

I have never heard Raj sound guilty before and it's making me feel really uncomfortable. I'm used to his douchebag attitude and him believing that he's God's gift to the world. Yet here he is feeling remorse, and to me of all people. This must really be killing him.

"Raj, you didn't attack me. It was the demon," I tell him as I grab his arm, guiding him out of the infirmary with me. Surprisingly, he lets me pull him out of the room without any resistance. Though he soon shrugs my hand away as he reaches my side, the two of us walking towards Aldertree's office together.

"Maybe, but I let the demon in. If I hadn't of let it in then you wouldn't have been hurt," he replies.

"You didn't let the demon in. You might be an ass, but I know you wouldn't do that. It was out of your control, you couldn't have stopped the demon and you couldn't have stopped it from-" I stop midsentence as we turn a corner, bumping straight into Alec, Izzy and Jace. My eyes widen as I stare at them. Both boys are holding Izzy up and all three of them hold pained expressions, though all are pained for different reasons. I can tell by the way each of them hold themselves.

"Izzy, what- are you okay?" I ask taking a step towards my Parabatai.

"I'm okay, are you? Did the demon go after you, too?" She asks.

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