27 - Babysitting Izzy

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Jace and I have been hunting all around the Institute for Alec, yet he is no where to be found. And the longer we are searching, the more worried I become. We both know what Alec is like; leaving him alone with his thoughts after something like this is dangerous. He overthinks and spirals, keeping everything in until he explodes. It's not healthy at the best of times, but after the demon possessed him to kill Jocelyn, this could destroy him.

I grunt in frustration as I leave the infirmary alone. Jace and I had split up, him going to the training room whilst I went to see if he had gone back to check on Izzy. However, by the look of worry on my brother's face as he walks to meet me in the ops centre, I can tell he has had just as much luck as I have. None.

"Is he with Iz?" Jace asks hopefully as he reaches me.

"I couldn't find either of them in there. Someone needs to teach these Lightwoods how to stay still," I huff growing more and more frustrated with each passing second. But then a thought dawns on me and my frustration leaves. I groan feeling so stupid that I hadn't even thought of this before.

"What?" Jace asks.

"He's on the roof. He always goes to the roof to clear his head," I say, shaking my head with disappointment towards myself. Jace's jaw clenches before puffing out a breath.

"Of course. Why didn't we think of that sooner?"

We are moving straight away, not needing another word to be spoken between us. However, I am stopping almost instantly. My hand floats to my Parabatai rune.

When Jace realises I'm not by his side he stops, looking around until his gaze lands on me.

"Mae, come on," he urges. I know that Alec needs me, I know he does. But I can feel Izzy's pain radiate through our bond. And if I can feel it, I know it must be killing her.

"Izzy's hurting," I tell him. I do love Alec, but Izzy comes first. She will always come first.

"Go look after your Parabatai and I'll look after mine," Jace says, giving me a nod before running off. I touch my Parabatai rune through my top for a moment, thinking about where she might be. Though my feet are moving without me knowing completely where they're taking me. However, things become clear when I end up outside Izzy's room.

I knock, but I don't wait for her to call me in. I open the door and I'm instantly frowning. Izzy stands in the centre of her room carrying a pile of clothes. She looks up as I look in and she rolls her eyes.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to be resting your shoulder," I scold her, marching into the room.

"Mae, I'm hardly doing heavy lifting," Izzy scoffs, but that doesn't stop me from taking the clothes from her arms.

"Some would consider it heavy lifting with the amount of sequins in this pile," I reply. I place the pile on her bed. "Is this clean?"

"Yes, I just got it from the laundry. Now, if you wouldn't mind, I was just about-" Izzy begins, trying to shove me aside, but I don't budge.

"I'll fold them for you later. Have you eaten?" I ask, raising a brow towards her.

"Not recently," she says, trying to get at her laundry. I take her left hand, angling her arm to the side so that when I grab my stele I can activate her Iratze rune. She lets out a small breath which causes me to look up.

"Aeden will have breakfast ready by now," I say, lowering her arm, but keeping a hold of her hand. She doesn't fight me, rather she lets me guide her out of her room towards the canteen.

We join the back of the queue as soon as we walk in. The smell of bacon and eggs is somewhat nauseating, but that isn't what catches my attention as soon as we walk into the room. People turn in their seats to look at us, those in front of us sending a soft glare our way. Though I know none of it is directed towards my Parabatai. No. It is all aimed at me. All thanks to Aldertree. Yet I pay no attention to it, I simply look to Iz and give her a soft smile before looking ahead again.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2023 ⏰

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