1 - The Fire Cracker

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My heart slams against my chest as my grip tightens onto my seraph blade. My lips part with anticipation as the next wave of demons come rushing into the room. With ease the glowing blade slices through the demons charging at me, causing them to disappear right in front of me. I swiftly turn on my feet bringing me face to face to the remaining demons. I reach down to my ankle, pulling out my hidden throwing knives before sending them flying through the air, hitting the last demons in the chest. I remain in my crouched stance for a moment longer as each demon disintegrates, watching the knives clatter to the ground. With a sigh I stand up again, ignoring my aching muscles and retrieve the knives.

It had been a long night of demon killing, and my thoughts should have been with staying alive against the now dead hoard, but it wasn't. My thoughts were on my brother, my Parabatai, and my best friend. They were all on their own mission tonight whilst I had to go alone. Clave's orders. The one thing I hate more than demons is obeying Clave's orders, especially when they mean I can't be with my family. The amount of missions that the Clave has been giving me recently is driving my nut. The rest get to go out together; Jace, Isabelle, and Alec. It's like I hardly see them anymore, which I'm praying will change soon.


I walk through the doors of the institute, and immediately I dump my dirty weapons in the tray, ready for them to be cleaned. As I walk through the heart of the institute I hear a wave of congratulations from the other shadow hunters working, however I don't focus on that. Where the hell is my family?

I continue to walk around, and that's when I catch a conversation.

"I love you too, but this-" A familiar voice states. Alec.

"Hey, you know what? Give me a minute. Here's a word you never hear me say. Please?" Jace's deep voice replies. I quickly climb the steps to see them all crowded around a bed with an unfamiliar red head sitting on it.

"Well, I'm glad I didn't miss Jace Wayland begging," I laugh drawing their attention to me.

"Maelys, you're back!" Izzy cries, jumping to her feet and rushing to me. I pull her into a quick hug as Alec comes up behind her.

"You're hurt," He says moving Izzy away from me so he can examine the damage.

"Pu-lease, it's nothing compared the the pain I caused that hoard of demons," I smirk at him, though he still holds his concerned expression. I reach for my stele from my back pocket and trace it over my skin, activating my rune. I can feel the small cut by my eyebrow heal and I look up at him again. "See," I say, causing him to sigh and bring me into a tight embrace. I instantly wrap my arms around him, trying to take in everything about him.

He pulls away and takes a step back letting Jace come over to me. A stupid grin is slapped across his face, forcing a similar one to form along mine.

"So, what were they, little baby demons?" He smirks at me. He knows that I could take him out, but I also know my twin could take me out too. We have two very different strategies when it comes to fighting, but we are both equally as strong. It's sparked our competitive spirits.

"If they were, they would've sent you in instead of me," I fire back laughing at him. He brings me into an embrace, lifting my slightly off the ground. My gaze drifts over to the red head girl who watches us closely, as if she were trying to figure us out. Jace let's me go and backs away again over to the girl.

"So, who's this?" I ask pointing to the girl. "Didn't realise we were a charity for the lost mundanes."

"See, Mae agrees that she shouldn't be here-" Alec starts, but gets cut off as his sister walks up to him.

Monster or Angel - Alec LightwoodKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat