
"He's still not here?" Tanya asks.

Win nods in disproval, his face falling as he keeps looking at the entrance.

"I'm sorry to put you through so much trouble" Win apologizes, "I don't think he will come."

"Damn our plan was good though" Luke says, "are you sure he really loves you?"

Win doesn't speak, his eyes bending down to the floor. Tanya pinches Luke, asking him to go fetch drinks for them.

"I'm sorry my boyfriend is very dumb" she lets out her silly laugh, "don't mind him."

Win smiles weakly, "don't say that. Had he not warned those jerks, they would have continued to spread words about me and Bright. In fact, I'm grateful to both of you for not telling anyone about us."

"Ai Win, it was the only right thing to do" Tanya says, "besides, prof. Chivaaree would be a fool if he doesn't show up here right now. Don't worry sweetheart, you deserve better."

Win laughs to that, shaking his head as another shot of tequila is chugged down his throat.

"If anybody deserves better, it's him" Win says.

"Please!" Luke scoffs, coming back, "I don't understand why do you even believe he loves you?"

Win shrugs, "I don't know. May be because he never complains about me taking my frustrations out on him? May be because i know that he fell ill but didn't tell me because he didn't want me to get distracted from my exams. May be because even he's so lazy, he cleans his apartment every two days because he knows I have dust allergies. May be because everytime he thinks I'm sleeping, he mumbles his I love yous to me. May be because sometimes, I find him browsing through affordable houses at the seaside because I told him once we should live there. May be because even the idea of me breaking up with him had him tremble like the sky will fall on him. May be because..."

Win's voice breaks and he immediately drinks the pain down, a bittersweet pain twisting his gut inside out. 

"He loves me because even though he never realises it, I know he looks at me with stars in his eyes" Win says before his eyes land at the club's door.

He just wishes Bright would not hide those stars everytime the day begins. Who wants love that lasts for a night?


Win saunters out of the club, taking a stroll down the curb before sitting at it somewhere, not minding the dust. Draping his arms around his knees, he brings them close to his chest, his head dangling in his lap.

He misses Bright so much that nothing feels good at all, not the loud music, not the flavoured cuisines, not the romantic lights, not his own self.

A tear falls from his eye before he could realise and that's when he hears the baritone voice he's loved so much that it has become a part of himself.


The said boy whips around to see Bright standing a metre away, his hand on his knees as he catches his breathe.

He scrambles up from the curb as Bright runs to him and before Win could say a word, Bright kisses him so hard air knocks out of Win's lungs. He takes a moment to recover and respond, the kisses growing impatient and hungry. Bright keeps smashing their tongues together, lips slicking with their saliva but Bright knows better than to stop. The sound of their muffles bring Win back from euphoria and his eyes flash open.

"Wait" he shriekes, gently pushing the other as panic surges in him.

"What if anybody sees us?" Win chides Bright, twiddling his head around cautiously.

Bright wipes his mouth and shrugs.

"It's just a non professional kiss. Big deal?"

Win hits his chest but there's no heat in his feigned annoyance.

"I'm serious. Why are you here? What about your date?"

Bright steps closer, "I told her I needed to see my boyfriend."

"What? How could you- what if she-"

Bright puts his finger on Win's lips.

"Don't worry. She was very understanding and supportive. In fact, she also encouraged me to come here."

Win breathes in relief before Bright pinches his cheek.

"What about you? Not enjoying your date?" He asks, sulking.

"Luke is Tanya's boyfriend" Win says, "you seriously thought I'd go with someone else, really?"

Bright's eyes twinkle as he flashes an eye blinding smile.

"I knew you wouldn't. Wait - is it the same Tanya who put that letter in my office?"

Win nods, laughing.

"They know about us?" Bright asks, surprised.

"Apparently they saw us making out in your car" Win says sheepishly, "but they didn't tell anyone and instead assured me that they support us. In fact, the ball night thing was Tanya's and her boyfriend's plan to make you jealous so you'd realise my importance. Turned out, people aren't that bad, afterall."

Bright laughs in disbelief, before clasping their hands together.

"Win, I'm gonna tell my mom about us" he says after a pause, "I don't care what anybody else thinks. I can only hope she will accept you for me."

Win hugs Bright tightly, his heart bursting with happiness as Bright holds him with all the love he has.

"And i promise I'd never shut you out again and hide things from you" Win promises, nursing in the warmth of Bright's skin against his.

"Thank you Win, for not giving up on me."

"Thank you Bright, for choosing me to be the person you love" Win replies, his eyes glinting with stars, "Can't wait to go out on dates when I'd doll up for you and you'd use cheesy pick up lines to get me in your pants."

Bright giggles, "are you autumn? Because I keep falling for you."

Win rolls his eyes but then, smirks before rubbing their noses together in purest affection peppered with just the right amount of tease his boyfriend likes.

"Are you my homework?" he whispers, feeling Bright's wide smile against his lips, "because I'm not doing you but I definitely should be."

The end 🖤🤍

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