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A/n : another update, dedicated to brightwintology  for being such a sweetheart 🥺❤️


"Metawin, right?"

The said boy barely nods, taking a seat on the professor's gesture.

Win is quiet, partly because of nervousness and partly because his head feels light with all the pheromones Bright's fragrance is triggering. He never thought he'd get to be this close to other.

Bright clears his throat before settling his eyes on Win who's looking down.

"I'll ask you again. Is the letter yours?"

Win nods silently, still fidgeting with his fingers.

Bright's expressions soften as he sees the boy struggling like he's thrown in a fence to face a Dracula. Am I really that intimidating, Bright wonders.

Bright assures Win that he won't inform on him to dept. nor he would tell anyone about this.

"You can tell me" Bright says, almost whispering.

Win swallows the thick tension in his throat, wanting nothing more than to sprint out of the office. Of course he can tell that it ain't him but he also realises that if not for the letter, he wouldn't be here alone with Bright.

How many times has he dreamt of something like this?

Win decides in snap of a thought that he'll let the misunderstanding be the move he has always been too afraid to  make. At least, Bright would know what his feelings are without having Win to confess it himself.

"It's me, Mr. Chivaaree."

"So whatever you've written, you know what does that mean, right?"

Win nods again, eyes still fixed on the feet of the table.

"Alright" Bright says after a pause, "you can leave now."


Win looks up at him. That's it? Why are they skipping the part where the recipient gives an answer?

Win is confused. And a tad disappointed because even though he already knows there's no chance of anything happening between them, he still harbours a hope that may be he deserves a proper rejection at least. Ironically, it's not even his original confession to begin with.

Win stands up carefully and starts walking away when Bright's voice hits his ears.

"For someone who's awfully shy, you have a bold choice of words Mr. Metawin."

Win frowns, what?

A bulb glows right above his head and he turns back, striding towards the table.

"Can I have the letter back?" He asks.

Bright crosses his hands against his chest before leaning back in chair.


"Because it's mine and you keeping it is a threat to my privacy."

Bright's lips crook into a smile but he manages to retrieve his serious face back.

"Fair enough" he says, shrugging and passes the letter in Win's hands who unfurls it clumsily.

Hey Mr. Hottie, are you my homework? Because I’m not doing you, but I definitely should be.

Win's eyes widen before he swats the letter away, not minding where it flew to.

"What the fuck?!?!" He shrieks, reddening to the deepest shade of scarlet.

Words take shape in his mouth as he looks at Bright waiting for him to speak.

"I swear on my books, it's not mine."

"But you admitted in the class that-"

"I was stupid" Win interrupts urgently, "I was trying to save someone. They asked me to fetch the paper from your office because you'd never doubt a geek like me but then, I couldn't..."

Win explains or rather babbles incoherently, panicking to fix it all before things fly from the frying pan into the fire.

"I get you were trying to help Tanya" Bright says, earning a gape from the boy.

He chuckles, "you kids are so naive. Every faculty has cctv in their cubicles that only they have access to. I saw her putting this paper on my table."

Win breathes in relief although he badly wants to ask if that was the case, why did Mr. Chivaaree play along with Win's lie?

"But you could have told me the truth now. It's not like I'd go and tell her boyfriend, or anybody for that matter."

Win stays silent. How does he tell Bright that what he thought was a sincere admission of love turned out to be a horny pick up line?

"I'm sorry for wasting your time, Mr. Chivaaree" he says after a pause, "I promise this won't happen again."

Bright sighs as he sees Win looking dejected.

"Okay" he finally says, "you can go."

Win leaves. He's really, very extra sure this is the closest he would go to have his moment with his crush.

Damn, he already misses Bright's overwhelming scent.


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