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Win enters Bright's apartment so cautiously like a deer caught in a spotlight. He barely breathes, much less respond when Bright shows him around, urging him to make himself home. Win is still recovering from the sight of Mr. Chivaaree in navy blue pajamas, his otherwise sleeked up hair falling casually on his forehead.

He looks like home.

"You want something to drink?"

"Water would be fine.." Win mewls nervously, causing Bright to turn back on his heels.

Frowning, he asks, "you okay there, Win?"

"Umhmm" Win manages, pulling his sleeves in small paws.

Bright suppresses a smile and leaves for the kitchen.


"What's wrong?" Bright asks, "you seem distracted."

Win exhales, turning to Bright.

He asks slowly, "What am I doing here, Mr. Chivaaree?"

Bright is taken off guard with the question and it takes him a minute to pause their game before turning to Win.

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you invite me to hang out with you?"

Bright stays quiet, not understanding why is suddenly the shy lad cornering him like that. He rubs his nape awkwardly. 

Could it be that he misunderstood the boy? Fuck, does Win like someone else? He totally messed this up, didn't he?

"Uhm..I thought you-"

"You thought I am pathetic, didn't you?" Win asks as his eyes start welling up.


"You thought I'm miserable. You are being nice to me because you feel bad for me crying that day."

Bright frowns, "what makes you say that?"

"What else could be the reason?" Win probes, "you barely noticed me for two years and one day you see me vulnerable and the next thing I know, you are inviting me to hang out with you."

Bright sighs, "I teach almost thousand students. I know names of about three hundreds of them. Let's say hundred students interact with me, give or take. And about eighty of my students have shared their problems with me at some point of time. Do you think I invite all of them to hangout with me?"

Win shakes his head, wondering what Bright is implying.

Could he be saying I'm special?

But Win doesn't miss how Bright seems a little startled by the cornering and so he lets the matter go.

"I'm sorry I am overdramatic sometimes" Win says bashfully.

"No you're not" Bright assures, "it's good you asked me, to be honest. Don't let stupid thoughts stress you."

Win nods and they continue the game. He steals a few side glances at Bright because honestly, he still doesn't understand why is he here. But as long as he is with Bright, he feels good. Even though he knows it's wrong, it just doesn't feel so.


"..and then he asked me if I'd like to watch a movie next weekend?"

Fong chokes on his beer.

"What the - is he for real?"

"I know right" Win says, rubbing his forehead, "I was so nervous the whole time but when I left, I realised I had never talked so freely with anybody like I did with him."

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