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"Can I kiss you, Win?" the words fall out of his mouth.

"Yeah whatever" Win sighs gloomily and then the words hit him like a bucket of cold water on his head.

His eyes grow wide, head springing in Bright's side to see him looking at his mouth.



Bright clears his throat, shifting uncomfortably in sofa.

"Win?" He pokes at the boy who's seemingly frozen in his place.


"It's okay if you don't want to" Bright flushes light pink, "we can proceed with the food."

"I'm sorry what did you just say?" Win asks, not daring to believe on his ears.

"I asked if I could kiss you?"

"For real?" Win stammers, "like a non platonic kiss? Like a non professional kiss?"

Bright chuckles fondly, "yeah. A non professional kiss, whatever that means."

Win's heart skips beats, is he for real?? He looks into the pair of bambi eyes he loves and finds sincerity in them. But wasn't it the same the other day in Bright's office when they almost kissed until Bright panicked and kicked him out. Win wants assurance that it's different this time, no matter how drunk he's in love.

He raises his head firmly and speaks.

"If you'll kick me out of here right after it, you can't kiss me."

Bright's gaze softens and he cups Win's face in his hands.

"I would never. Don't want you to leave" he whispers, leaning in for a careful, experimental touch of lips, dreading to hurt either or both of them in case this makes him realise that may be he's not into Win like that after all. He's mad afraid, okay? For someone who's only had a couple male crushes in teenage, Bright is taking way too big risk but he figures it's worth if it's Win. But all the doubts that had previously refrained him from jumping in too soon, vanish as he feels Win's lips that feel home - so right, so warm, so peculiarly familiar, nothing like what he's felt with all the girls he's dated before. Encouraged, he softly swipes Win's plump lips with the tip of his tongue before deepening their kiss, lazily tasting the sweetness of the boy who's too stiff he's afraid he'd break.

Bright pulls back, an inch away from Win who dares not open his eyes.

"Win?" he whispers gruffly, "you're shivering."

The said boy shakes his head hysterically, "I'm good."

"Look at me, then."

"I'm good" Win mumbles again, a drop of silver pearl slides down his cheek.

"Hey.." Bright whispers lovingly, "why are you crying? Didn't you like it? We don't have to do it again."

"No that's not it" Win assures, his trembling hands playing with Bright's big, firm ones.

"You were so far from me all this time that having you this close now makes me wonder if I'm dreaming. I'm so happy it physically hurts."

Bright pulls Win in an affectionate embrace, stroking his back and planting small kisses on his right temple.

"Could you be more precious, huh?" He purrs against his head, "from now, I am going to make sure you're always happy. And if you are not, I'll be there to hold you when you cry."

"For real?" Win mumbles.


Win pulls back, meeting Bright's mellow gaze that melts him every time.

Bright pats his head, "you're so wonderful, you know? So strong, so passionate. You don't have to overthink alone from now onwards. And nor you have to look at me from afar. And -"

"Okay I get it" Win says, growing impatient, "school me later, kiss me now."

Win's face heats up as the words come out of his mouth and Bright doesn't have to be told twice.


"So you kissed, then what?" Fong asks, his eyes glinting with excitement.

"I thought it is already the biggest achievement of my life."

"It's not" Fong says, flicking his forehead, "did he say you're boyfriends now? Did he atleast admitted that he likes you?"

"No he didn't" Win says, scratching his head, "isn't that given though?"

"Nothing is given my brother. You have to go and grab it. Are you sure he kissed because he likes you and not because he was depressed about his ex girlfriend getting married?"

Win scowls, "god I hope that wasn't the case."

Fong sighs, shrugging, "I'm afraid it was."

"What should I do now - ouch!"

Win flinches as a crumpled ball of sheet hit his head.

"Mr. Metawin" Bright's neutral voice comes, "you aren't paying attention in the lecture."

Win flushes red on suddenly becoming the centre of attention of everyone in the class but mostly the professor who he finds even hotter with that serious look on his face.

"Uhm - I'm sorry Mr Chivaaree."

"In my office, after class."

Win nods, butterflies erupting in all the wrong places in his heart.


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