Chapter 42 - Christmas market

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Christmas was approaching quickly and in true Avengers fashion, despite many protests from Rogers, shopping was left to the last minute.

Lights were strung up all along the tower. The structure like a giant light beam for any other realm. It could have easily been mistaken for the Bifrost in use. New York had started to look like it was dusted in icing sugar, donation buckets around every corner and carols singing with such positivity it seemed slightly concerning.

While on the way to the markets, you were thankful you had Anna help concoct a small syrup:

"Why do you need this? No one would mind," she stirs in the gold like berries, the crushed substance slowly boiling in the mixture.

"I mind," you run nervous fingers along your hair. "Are you sure it will work without the Alfheim water?"

"Certain," she sees the liquid turn a deep purple.

"I hate being the unlucky twin."

Now, while Loki was skilled in concealing his Jotun form, you weren't so lucky. All your life, during youth at least, Loki and you were kept away from cold temperatures. Often wrapped tight and warm during winter. Again, Loki was better at concealing it after he found out, the cold temperatures never truly a threat, but your body had such a sensitive reaction to natural winter that involuntarily forces the blue to the surface.

So this syrup, a potion of your mother's creation, was the saviour during public winters. It was a hefty and time consuming process so having one for every day was not on the table.

"Winter markets!" Tony announces, sighing in success after a failed attempt to direct everyone quickly.

"If we took my way we would have gotten here 10 minutes ago," Nat walks by.

"She is not exactly wrong," Pietro shrugs, running off once Clint unclipped the child-leash.

"Alright, everyone go crazy, don't die, and please make sure you get at least two gifts for me," Stark clicks his tongue with a wink, walking with Peter down the market rows.

"We are going to get some food first," moving behind Strange, you push him hurriedly to the section of sweet and savoury.


"I'm thinking this for Wanda, so it subtly matches the one we got for Vision," you hold up the handmade aprons.

"You're better at this than me," Stephen wipes his lips to get rid of any whipped cream from the hot chocolate you both bought.

"It's one of my many talents," you play along, leaning onto him once the disguised cloak pulls you closer. "Hello, buddy,"

"He really loves you," Strange puts an arm over your shoulder.

"I'm a lovable person, Doc," paying for the gifts, you thank the store owner before walking with him.

"What do you want then?" He asks after a while, "for Christmas,"

"Oh, don't bother, I don't need gifts," you assure, using your other hand to hold the one he had on your shoulder.

"Come on, you really don't want anything?"

"I don't have anything on my mind... I mean I already have you~" you flirt with a single-song voice.

"Is that right?" He stops, holding his breath when you drag your hand down his chest, then pulling you behind a few stalls. "God I hate how I can't kiss you whenever,"

"You could but I'd rather have you alive on Christmas Day,"

"And after?" He uses his magic alongside your own to suspend everything in the air.

"We'll see, won't we?" Both arms around his neck, you pull him closer for a kiss. Both hands roaming along your waist to your hips, you could feel the fabric scrunch up in his palms. "Slow down, Doc, we still have other gifts to buy and wrap,"

"The only thing I want to do concerning gifts right now is unwrap you,"

"That pick up line really didn't work," you say bluntly as he drops his head. "You're such a dork," peppering his cheek lovingly.

"I can be more straight forward but I thought a festive approach would be more fitting," he murmurs with a fake pout.

"Aw, poor magician," kissing his other cheek repetitively as well, you could feel his smile form. "Come on, let's get a present for everyone else then you can go ahead and 'unwrap' me,"

"I regret saying that now," he walks behind you and back into the crowds.

"You should, I'm never letting you forget it," attention on the last few people on the list, you notice a few things that peaked your personal interest.

Oh... that's actually really nice- aw, isn't that adorable? Might need that in the future, though... but that is really pretty.

Strange could hear your thoughts clear as day. He knew, however, he needed something nicer. Something perfect.

"I'll be back, alright?" He tells you quickly, "are you okay to be on your own?"

"I'm sure I can handle myself," you pat his hand and kiss his knuckles after looking around. "Don't do anything stupid,"

"I promise," arms slipping off the cloak-coat, he puts it over you, "just in case,"

He was soon off behind the stalls, lights from a portal showing. "So, Mr Cloak, wanna help me find something for the Doctor?"

It's ends start to drag you away like a rag doll, your legs doing their best to keep up.


I have acquired a juice box with those pop nozzle things like a sippy cup- you know what I mean???

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I have acquired a juice box with those pop nozzle things like a sippy cup- you know what I mean???

- Anna ❤️

Chaos magic: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now