Chapter 9 - A single fight

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"Don't be too harsh," Anna looks to Loki and Thor, walking with them down the hall. "If I see a single tear-"

"Y/n went too far to threaten Rogers, would you rather I call our mother down here?"

"I would rather you treat Y/n as anything but a burden, Thor," they glare. Loki nods in compliance, urging Thor to do the same before knocking on your bedroom door.

"Come in," you call out with a grumble, tossing an object up in the air before catching it.

"Y/n, we should talk,"

"We are talking," you confirm, not meeting their gazes.

"You do realize the wrong for threatening the Captain, correct?" Loki starts off softly.

"Stop that, you sound like Odin," you snarl, sitting up with a glare. "You both would do the same if someone insulted the other,"

"No, we wouldn't, Y/n. You went out of your way to cause violence, threaten it more so but that is besides the point," Thor says sternly making you narrow your gaze.

"Yes, so, let me forget that time you threw Volstagg out the window for calling Loki a weak link in the group," standing up with a blade now in hand, you bury it right in the door behind them both.

"You... what?" Loki look to Thor who shrugs.

"Yes, exactly! That! That right there," you point between them both. "You both would die for each other but the moment I try to reciprocate the same protective behavior you tell me off for it!"

"Because you go too far!" Thor yells back, matching your volume.

"Throwing someone out the ninth window of the North tower isn't?!" Your voice shook slightly with a slight crack of pain.

"No! Because you're our little sister, you're not meant to harm others!"

"Stop acting like I'm a porcelain doll!" Pushing Thor back, you land a kick against his chest. "I can fight! I can be like you too!" You yell over and over again with tears streaming down your face. "I am not weak!"

"Stop this- STOP!" Thor grabs your wrists and pushes you back making you slide across the ground. "You've gone mad!"

"I was treated differently all my life. I just grew up!" Taking out a sword you conjured, you rush forward and he summons Mjolnir. "Fight me, you bastard!"

"Oh, gods," Loki sighs into his palm, shaking his head. "Anna!"

"Yeah?- Oh, fuck," your friend rushes in to see magic lining the blade of your weapon and lightning on Thor's hammer.

"I will not!"

"Then suffer, you coward," you spit out, charging forward as he finds no option except to do the same. Wrestling with Thor was never fun. He was larger, stronger, and taller; 6'6" was hard to match. The moment you collided, he over-powered and tossed you both out the window, hurdling towards the ground below.

"Not my wall!" Tony yells as the Avengers rush in at the commotion.

Flurry of winds overtake you two as Thor fights back your scratches to get you both to an empty field out the city's vicinity. Dirt flew into the air upon impact, your brother making sure to take the brunt of the force as you land a punch to his jaw.

"Fight me!" You yell only to be flung back across the patches of grass. Groaning from the small gashes from rocks and rubble, you lift up with your sword, pointing it up to him as he finally got up. "Fight me, Thor!"

"No! I will not hurt you!"

"Then say hello to our sister in Hel," spinning the blade you rush forward, sliding down and going for his knees, knocking him down from behind using the base of your sword.


"So, is this normal?" Tony looks to Loki who was pacing in concern.

"Loki, sit down, stop worrying, if worse comes to worse we will call your mother," Anna pats the seat beside them as they fiddle with a game on Starks phone.

"Yes, that's what I'm worried about," Loki rolls his eyes. "This isn't completely normal, Y/n, Thor and I have always had a sibling rivalry but I think now that we're older..."

"Built up aggression?" Nat raises a brow.

"Too much. Y/n isn't the most emotionally stable," he explains.

"Doesn't seem like any god is at this point," Sam stretches before leaning to Stephen. "Doc, are sorcerers just wizards without hats?"

"Seriously?" Bucky deadpans before smacking him with his non-metal arm.

"I'm going to ignore that," Strange lifts from his seat before moving to Stark who caught sight of you and your brother in the field. "We need a plan of attack,"

"I have a plan. Attack," Anna mutters, looking to the reader and winking.

"Make sure it stays in this field, just bought it so no property damage charges," Tony explains. "See how they go, if they don't settle it within 5 minutes of Cap's warning, you can go ahead and make them balloon animals to calm them,"

Stephen rolls his eyes, slipping off his gloves and putting on the sling ring. The moment the quintet landed and the door opened, everyone was able to hear the shouts of anger.

"Why won't you just fight me?!" You yell at the top of your lungs, summoning dagger after dagger to hit him only for it to hit the upturned ground.

"I am your brother! You are my sister! We should not fight, Y/n!" Thor let's the lightning build up. "Stop this now!"

"I'll kill you!"

"Enough!" Cap's voice makes you and Thor glance to the team. "End this now."

"Oh I'll end it alright," you wipe your tear strained eyes, running up to Thor with the blade in hand, above your head. The moment it was brought down, portal appeared to cut off a large portion of the weapon.

Stephen removed the portal to leave nothing but a blunt bit of metal attached to a handle. You pushed it against Thor's chest, sobbing out despite the blunt end.

"I just want to be like you," was all you muster. "I want to be your equal,"


0-0 okay why was this so dramatic??

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0-0 okay why was this so dramatic??

- Anna ❤️

Chaos magic: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now