Chapter 3 - Do not...

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"Y/n is younger by 20 minutes, therefore the youngest and most annoying out of us all," Loki paces back and forth with a contemplating look. "She thinks she can get away with anything, and most of the time she will succeed,"

"So what do we do?"

"It's what you don't." Loki says sternly to Cap. "Do not order her around, do not force her to do anything, she will not listen- lay a hand on her in any manner without consent and you won't have hands," Loki adds with a vicious smile. He then carries on, "do not bribe her, do not make a deal with her, she will find a loop hole to 'fuck you over' as Lady Natasha has said in the past,"

"Trust the god of lies who says no to trust someone else," Bucky scoffs.

"Do not give her a weapon, a dark secret, your trust or anything confidential you do not wish the world to know," he continues. "Do not test her, anger or try and deal with her without Thor or I, she will retaliate with something 4 times more awful than the first torturous idea that has just popped into your minds,"

"Lovely," Bruce whispers.

"You make me sound like a psychopath, brother," your chime was light and full of amusement.

"Because you are, sister," he snarks.

"Hardly think so, do your research before applying such terms to people,"

"What did you do to cause the Allfather to banish you?" Loki suddenly inquires a long forgotten question.

"Let's just say the west village prison is in mass hysteria," the soft smile you gave was sweet and innocent which caused even more disturbance among the group.

"Why?" Loki stalks forward.

"Because I was bored," you pout before bursting into laughter. "This was fun, but I really do need that nice bath, mother made you a little basket as well as for Thor, they're in your rooms-"

Thor's scream was suddenly heard before a yell. "Y/N!"

"Whoops," you whistle softly, disappearing with a cloud of green smoke.

"Two pains in the neck, I'll need a chiropractor," Tony rubs his neck. "Well, Wizard?"

"I have three solutions," Stephen stands with a glare at what was once your spot. "One involves sending her back to Asgard, the other two includes my watch on her daily," he mutters with a sigh, looking down at the small note which appeared in his pocket from Wong.

"Good luck with your first plan, it will fail wonderfully," Loki leans against the wall. "Not that I'm against seeing you fail," he drags his words on before standing up properly at the sight of Anna. "Darling," he rushes over, "come on, let me show you around,"

"Whipped," Clint says under his breath.

"So whipped," Tony chortles, wiping a fake tear away.

"You're the same with Pepper, Tony," Nat adds in making the group replace his laughter.

"Whatever. Doc?"

"Y/n comes back to the sanctum to be placed in a heavily guarded room with constant surveillance from Wong and I or..."


"According to Wong, I need to stay here for at least a month or however long to survey her while he guards the sanctum," he crumples the paper in his palm. "And it is the 'option ensuring the most safety' but I think he just wants the sanctum to himself,"

"Here? No, I-"

"We can do that," Tony stands up making everyone do a double take. "What?"

"You're... letting the wizard stay with us??" Sam lets his jaw drop as Bucky resists the urge to strangle or shout at his friend. "Not that I hate you, Doc, but Tony kinda does," he points to the billionaire.

"No, I trust Wong the most, so if he says this is the best then this is the best," Tony taps his watch a few times. "Down the hall, room right beside Shego, have fun,"

Stephen blinks a few times, looking between the team before sighing. "Fine," he walks away to his room as the team look to each other in states of conflict.

"Eventful day," Vision looks around to everyone.

"We're having pizza," Clint decides, grabbing his phone and ordering.


"I know this isn't ideal," Anna was turned away from you, sorting your closet out while you change into the clothing she had prepared for you, placed in the bathroom which you leave soon.

"Ideal? These Midgard clothing pieces are atrocious!"

"It's just for tonight, I'm sure tomorrow we can urge your brothers to allow a small trip to sort out a full array," she turns back once you were out. "Think of this as a holiday retreat, refresh yourself and escape from your duties,"

"This is a curse," you sneer, slumping on the bed. "This feels awful," you poke the duvet.

"Y/n," Anna kneels down in front of you. "Stop trying to hate everything you set eyes on because you despise this consequence,"

"I just can't believe my mother would allow this to happen!" A frown forms, "I thought she loved me..."

"She does, and would you rather this or cleaning duty in the Vanaheim stables for a year?" She reasons with a head tilt. "Thought so," lifting up, Anna folds your towel and places it in a basket. "Besides, is this not like your room?"

"Smaller... less grand... Midgardian,"

"Wow, thank you, M'lady," Anna scoffs making you laugh and stand. "Come here," she urges making you groan. "You know you love my hugs,"

"Only your hugs," you note, embracing her, smiling at the small forehead kiss. "Thank you for coming down here with me,"

"I vowed to be by your side as a friend and lady in waiting, of course I would," Anna rolls her eyes. "And also because your brother is really hot,"

"EW! Anna!" You pull away with a disgusted groan as she loses herself in an endless laugh. "I hate you,"

"I love you too, N/n," she nudges your side. "Now let's attend supper,"


I give the best hugs and I have people who can confirm *cough cough* right JeenyisAnnaSimp ? 🔫🙂

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I give the best hugs and I have people who can confirm *cough cough* right JeenyisAnnaSimp ? 🔫🙂

- Anna ❤️

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