Chapter 27 - Midnight help

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The days leading up to Halloween were filled with you scheming the perfect prank to play on everyone. Everything you could get smuggled into the tower via a favour someone owed was hidden away in different sections of your room.

Of course you had no idea what the plan for Halloween was but one inescapable act was this.

"Knock knock!" Wanda calls out from the hall making you send a shock wave of magic to hide everything.

"Uhm, come in?"

"Hey, Y/n," she gave a bright smile, "want to come costume shopping with us?"

"Costume shopping?"

"Mhm!" Wanda nudges her head to the hall. "Did you want to go? If you already have a costume-"

"I had a few ideas but I'm not sure..."

"We can help you decide, come on,"


"What are Anna and Loki going as?"

"Gomez and Morticia Addams," you roll your eyes. "Couple costumes," the grimace on your face was met with discontent from Wanda, "oh not you and Vision, you're the only pair I can withstand any PDA of,"

While you chatted along with Wanda, Natasha had slipped down the aisle, calling Clint on her phone. "Update?"

"Still no idea,"

"Well, hurry up, Clinton, we need to know before we buy anything!" She whispers shouts, "I am not losing this bet,"

"Jesus, alright, I'll pester him again," Clint hung up and down the vents. "If I see anyone naked I'm going to cry," he starts to crawl through the system before passing Stephen's room's vent.

"Vampire?" He looks to the cloak who shakes his collar. "Well, I'm not going as a Doctor," Stephen was busy with his current analysis of an old grimoire. "I could just go as myself- oh don't look at me like that," he glares to the fabric.

"Insane," Clint mutters.

"Fine, look in the closet, have your pick," Stephen flips the next page only for it to be covered by a thick coat and blue scarf. "What's this meant to be?"

"Oh... smart cloak," Clint smirks, crawling away while the red fabric typed out 'SHERLOCK' on the open computer.

"Like that TV show? The one that Y/n likes-" he does a double take, "no. I know what you're doing,"

The cloak folds his ends with a certain stance.

"No, I'm not dressing as Sherlock just because Y/n has a stupid crush on him. He's not even that attractive,"

The cloak turns to the readers with an 'I'm so done with this shit' look. He swoops the sorcerer to his feet so quickly that Stephen didn't have time to pull away from the coat and scarf.

"Hey!" He glares when the cloak ruffles up his hair. "I hate you,"

The cloak ignores this, pointing to the mirror. He floated behind Stephen smugly, covering the man's facial hair.

"I look nothing like him," Strange notes the sad expression from his companion. "Fine... I'll go as Sherlock,"


"Nurse?" Wanda holds up a Nurse costume over the stall which you grimace at before putting it on.

"Is this a costume or lingerie?"

"Both?" Nat chuckles.

You glance at the fabric which was almost see through. "Yeah, no," tossing it in the pile of rejects, you had tried everything in the store but yet nothing was appealing.

Chaos magic: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now