Chapter 12 - First show

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"Miss Y/n!" Peter calls out, stumbling into the living room as you slide to catch his falling books.

"Peter, what did I tell you about carrying enough for three arms to hold?"

"I still don't understand that," he scratches his neck, taking a book from the floor and following you to his room.

"If it's enough for three arms then someone with two will find it impossible to hold," placing them on the desk scattered with homework, you click your fingers to sort it.

"Oh, thanks," he tosses his bag onto the bed and kicks his shoes off. "Okay, so,"


"I had a cool idea, which is never a good sign but I think it will be fun," he rocks back and forth as you raise a brow. "I'll take that as an 'okay' to go ahead and say the idea," he clicks his fingers, taking a blanket and some pillows.

"Peter- Woah-" you were dragged by the arm to the living room again.

"So, there's this show Mx. Anna came across recently, I wasn't really into watching it because 2013 Tumblr scares me," he laughs with a slight nervous tone. "But then they kinda forced me to keep watching a bit of the first episode and now I want to watch it with you!"

"And why not Anna? Where are they?"

"Uh... I don't know," Peter shrugs as Clint falls out the vents.

"You don't want to know," he groans, crawling away as you gaze to Peter.

"Yeah, that's normal," he smiles then shuddering at the suggestion. "But yeah! It'll be your first TV show, so why not?"

"What's it about?"

"It's based on books called The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes By Arthur Conan Doyle,"

"Oh! Yes, yes, I love those," you burst out with a wide smile, remembering your mother bringing them to you from the library during a sick day. "Brilliant works, I must admit here Sherlock always had a charm," there was a slight bashful tone to your words.

"Then you'll love this," he tosses a packet of crisps to you, then seeing Wanda and Vision enter with Pietro and a very confused Bucky. "You guys wanna join?"

"Sherlock? Like the books?" Bucky settles down next to you—plenty of space between you both.

"Have you read them?" The thing about Bucky is that you had grown accustomed to his nature. Quiet at times but with Sam and Cap he seemed more open; you opted to being an acquainted to him and possibly friends considering the new revelation.

"A few... I'm more of a Hobbit kinda guy," he chuckles, fiddling nervously.

"Not a fan of new things?" You asks softly, handing some snacks to him.

"I don't like not knowing what comes next, stupid but-"

"No, no, I'm the same, but I trust Parker," you could see him relax and move closer. "Y/n,"

"Bucky," he shakes your hand. "Friends?"

"Acquaintances," you tease before looking to the hall where Sam and Nat enter. "Natasha,"

"You're all buddy buddy with them but not me? I'm offended," Sam purses his lips making you puff out of your seat to right in front of him. "Shit!"

"Y/n Laufeydottir, pleasure to meet you Samantha,"

"That's the best I'm getting right?" He shakes your hand as you nod with a shrug. "You're lucky you're funny,"

"I would do the same for the snail and toaster but they seem too busy," you glance to the two trying to reason on which animal cracker was better. "Come along, I want to watch this show,"

"What show?"

"Sherlock," Peter smiles to Natasha who does a double take to Wanda who holds back her own smile, knowing what she was thinking.


"It's set in the modern era?" Your head tilts at the sequence shots. Now the entire tower had joined except your twin, Anna, Strange and Cap; hopefully they'd be too busy, you were not in the mood for the Captain to scold you for your language.

First time you endured that was one too many.

"Yup, but we aren't at the exciting part yet," Peter points to the screen as there was an unraveling of a body bag. Tilting your head more to see the face properly, the man you could only assume to be Sherlock Holmes then turns back to reveal his full face upright.

"Oh-" you blink a few times, looking over his features with your lips tilting to the side.

"Oh?" Wanda looks to you with Nat. "You think he's cute or hot?"

"Yes," you mutter absently, shushing them and paying full attention now. "Uh... how long is this show?"

"Four seasons with a total of 12 episodes and one special episode," making you deadpan to Vision who nods with a sympathetic sigh.

"Unjust," you cross your arms before sipping at your drink. "Fuck me," you wince at the sight of every hit, before looking at Nat. "It's a saying!"

"And you don't mean it literally then?" She grins as Thor slowly looks to you.

"I will not allow it,"

"Thor! He is a fictional character!" You bellow as he huffs with crossed arms. "What? Am I going to date the actor??" Both eyes suddenly widen at the idea.

"He's married," Peter coughs making you click your finger.

"Y/n!" your eldest brother yells.


"What's going on?" Loki enters the room as Cap follows suit with Strange. "What are you watching?"

"Don't you-" you raise a finger to Stark who's mouth wasn't stopped soon enough.

"Laufeydottir has a crush!"

"What?!" Loki's dagger extends from his sleeve as Anna peaks out.

"Oh! Sherlock!" They scamper forward and slips between you and Barnes. "I dibs Moriarty,"

"Excuse me??" Loki gapes as Anna puts a thumbs up at his scowl. "Alright, fine, I'll find them myself," he stops when Anna whistles.


"Rude," he stalks forward and glares at the screen. "That man??"

"Nah, that's Sherlock,"

"Laufeydottir's fictional crush," Tony suddenly ducks out the way when you extend a dagger and throw it at him. Strange opens a portal and catches the blade which passes in front of his face.


I've run out of memes so here you go

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I've run out of memes so here you go

- Anna ❤️

Chaos magic: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now