Chapter 13 - Gentle care

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"Thanks, Wizard," Tony wheezes out, life seemingly returning to his body.

"Don't touch my dagger," you glare at Strange who disappears it from sight, "I'll rip you to shreds,"

"Good luck doing that without your dagger," Stephen rolls his eyes.

"Give it back," appearing right in front of him, he takes a step back. When he shakes his head, you glower, "sleep with one eye open,"

"I'm terrified," he mumbles sarcastically as you mock his words silently, storming back to your seat with a huff and sitting in your spot.

"Children," Loki sighs into his palm.

"Shut up," summoning reindeer ears with bells attached to sit on his head, he gave a scowl and threw them away instantly.

"Someone's getting the best Christmas present this year, and that's you," Tony points to you.

"Thank you, Stank!" You yell when he walks off, flipping you off. Grinning to yourself, you keep watching the show as other team members plus your brother's, but excluding Strange, slowly turn from Sherlock to the sorcerer.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Peter whispers to Anna who smirks.

"You mean the obvious trope for an enemies to lovers fanfic? Yeah," she confirms, winking to the readers then seeing Peter with wide eyes, "you think my upbringing would limit my knowledge of fan-behavior on Midgard?"


"Silly spider," she ruffles his hair only to get a smack to the face by a pillow you held.

"I'm trying to focus on the plot,"

"All he's doing is standing there," Bucky holds the bridge of his nose.

"Sherlock being hot is the plot for Y/n," Nat coughs, then being the only one other than you to not give a frightened reaction to Loki burying his dagger right into the TV.

"THE TV!" Pietro cries out, tears starting to form.

"That was my show," you deadpan to Loki who suddenly got terrified to the point it was almost out of character.

"Y/n, sister, let's talk about this,"

"We're talking, and now we're done," summoning two daggers, you stand on the couch and leap at him. Loki raises his fists, ready to fight only to be kicked down from behind, your illusion falling. "Weak," you grin, raising the dagger above your head and striking it down as he screams in fear, trying to get away.

"Y/n! I'm sorry!" He cries out, dodging every blade you sent at him, "I'll buy you new clothes!"

"I don't want new clothes!" You yell.

"Food! I'll get you food!"

"Tempting but I'd rather have you in pain so you know not to mess with my show!" you stomp your foot as the Avengers sigh, thumbs and index fingers holding the bridges of noses.

"I'll call mother if you don't leave me alone!"

"You wouldn't dare," you glare right at him.

"HEIMDALL! CALL MOTHER!" Loki yells at the sky as you lunge at him, smacking him over and over.


"Why are they toddlers with magic?"

"Not even Valhalla knows," Anna mutters to Nat before ringing a small bell making you both part away in complete fear.

Loki scrambles up to his feet and bows his head before seeing Anna holding the bell. "How did you-"

"Frigga gave this to me for this exact reason,"

"You will not ridicule us both with-" you stop dead in your tracks to tackle Anna when she holds a small stick up. "Don't you dare,"

"I break this and say the incantation and your mother will be here within a second," she walks to the kitchen, Loki following after as you mutter swears, inspecting the TV.

"Hel help me, for if this doesn't work..." you remove the dagger and throw it to Pietro who jumps in fear. Letting smoke flurry into the technological 'wound', it fizzles a little before recreating the previous state.

"Holy-" Peter walks up. "That was so cool!" A few others repeating similar words.

A heat of embarrassment creeps up your cheeks, "thank you," you stammer over your words as the team proceeded to fawn over the magic work. "It's a simple spell... I wasnt sure if it would work with your Midgardian toys,"

"You didn't do too bad," Stephen walks to your side, watching you kneel down to collect the glass which scattered the floor, "careful, you might-"

You do exactly what he was about to warn you about. Dropping the glass shard with a wince, Stephen caught it to prevent carpet stains, there wasn't too much blood along the piece, however your hand differed. "Sorry," you whisper, taking a tissue only for Stephen to stop you.

"Come on," he walks you over to the dining table, seating you before kneeling down, opening a portal for a medic kit. "Not too bad, guess we won't have to amputate anything,"

"Amputate??" You pull your hand away making him chuckle.

"It's a saying," he holds his shaking hand out again which you slowly lay yours on. "Usually to tease or scare kids," he looks up to you with a smirk, cleaning the cut.

"Why would you ever do that?"

"It's funny- if you're not the child," he pats over it, rubbing the side of your hand to ease your pain via distraction. "I remember doing a small round in the ER while I was still in medical school, a kid scrapped his knee a little too much and the Doctor told him they'd have to cut his leg off,"

"That's awful," you snicker softly, feeling bad for the kid.

"Oh, I know," wrapping your hand with such gentle care, you almost zone out his other words. "His mother had to assure him that the doctor was joking. She did say that if he did the stupid thing that got him the injury in the first place then the doctor may be more serious,"

"Well, I've surely learned my lesson," you  watch him finish wrapping your hand, facial features relax by the second from the care.

"It was a little deep in the centre but just remember to clean it," he gave the back of your hand a soft pat, making sure the bandaging was smooth. Within that moment you felt your heart set off into a full blown sprint, flickering grey-blue eyes giving a comforting feel you couldn't bring yourself to scowl at internally.

"Thank you," there you stayed, seated as he leaves and the blazing fury from your brother being ignored.


Again, you're welcome for the photo

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Again, you're welcome for the photo

Anyways- POV: it's 12:30-ish am and you're tired :)

- Anna ❤️

Chaos magic: Doctor Strange x Fem!readerWhere stories live. Discover now