Chapter 16: The Moon Rises.

Start from the beginning

"No, no, it's okay, you don't have-" Jeongguk couldn't continue his sentence as the prince picked him up bridal style, causing him to wrap his arms around the prince's neck.

"But I want to, now come on, you can sleep with me tonight" Taehyung smiled as he carried the younger male in his arms.

Jeongguk didn't know what to think, all he knew was that he was woken up from falling asleep on the grass and now was being carried by the prince up to his quarters and was told that he'll be staying there for the night? He was highly confused yet went with it.

"What if that woman sees…?" He asked softly.

"Who cares.. " Taehyung shrugged lightly with a smile.

Jeongguk just looked at him like he was crazy. He knew that the woman hated the idea of the prince being with a commoner. So to him, having the prince carry him around would seem suspicious to anyone who didn't know the prince. But the thing was, everyone knew how the prince acted, so it was no surprise to the knights or even the servants around them who worked. All he could do was accept that he was being treated as if he was a noble.

As the prince walked up the stone stairs, he was aware of how the warlock was deep in his thoughts. He couldn't help but smile at how just by a simple touch he was able to make the younger go with the flow of whatever he was doing. Taehyung could easily take the younger male out into the forest and they could watch a river in the relaxing environment. The sounds of the water droplets hitting the running water off the stones as it flowed down, down, down the stream to a big pond, that glimmered in the sunlight but held a celestial glow in the moonlight. He wanted to take the warlock there. One day maybe.

"Uhm.. Tae.."

"Yes?" Taehyung hummed out as he looked down at the younger male's face as he continued to walk.

"Does everyone around here know that you do...this…" he gestured to the position that he was in. "To… people..?" He questioned.

"Well, yes and no, yes they know I'm a touchy person and I take what's mine and hold it, but no I don't do it to people" He chuckled.

"Oh..?" Jeongguk tilted his head at the way the prince phrased it.

"You are not people, I only do it to you" Taehyung elaborated as he didn't spare a glance back to the warlock.

Jeongguk didn't reply. He had to let it settle that the prince didn't act like this to anyone, only him. He thought that maybe it was because the prince did it to anyone, but that wasn't the case. Taehyung made sure to let the warlock know in any way he could that he was special to him and Taehyung could do it in many different ways.

"Were you serious about me sleeping with you again?" The warlock asked after a while as they approached the prince's quarters.

"Of course I was, I haven't slept well since the last time" Taehyung smiled as he used his elbow to open the door and pushed it open with his foot, before closing it again as he walked in.

Taehyung walked over to the bed with the younger still in his arms and placed him down on the bed. He quickly walked over to his closet, that was made to be a walk in one connected to the bedroom.

Jeongguk watched as he walked into the other room and sat where he was. He didn't know what else to do other than sit there and wait. The warlock let his hands run along the blankets like many times before and like the times before he fell back so he was laying upon the blankets themselves.

"Back, just slip these loose pants on, with these undergarments and this shirt for tonight" Taehyung said as he walked back to the younger only to see him lying on the bed.

"Hey, Ggukie.." he nudged the other making him look up at him. Jeongguk quickly sat up. "Here"

"Ah thank you Hyungie-" Jeongguk smiled as he picked up the spare clothing. "I'll.. just um.. go change in the bathroom.."

Jeongguk awkwardly made his way to the bathroom that he had been in before, with the sound of the prince's laughter following behind him as he closed the door.

Taehyung watched as the door closed and went to get a change of his own clothing, into something softer. He walked back to the closet and picked up pants made from silk and a shirt made of cotton, along with some undergarments. The red haired male quickly changed while he was in the closet, just in case the warlock decided to walk out and he didn't want to embarrass him.

"Hyung..?" Taehyung heard the younger male call out to him.

"Just a second" The prince replied as he slipped the shirt on. "Done!" He exclaimed as he walked back out with his other clothing in his arm.

Taehyung noticed how the younger male stood. It was of shy demeanor, arms closed in whilst holding his clothing. He kept his eyes away from the prince, probably out of that shyness he seemed to give off. Though he should be shy, this was their second time sleeping in the same bed together and the prince sharing his clothing with the other. But this time the younger male wasn't practically sleep walking.

"Give me that Ggukie, I'll put our clothing in the hamper, you just go and lay down" Taehyung said as he grabbed the warlock's clothing from his arms and put it in his own small pile.

"Oh- okay" the warlock blinked a few times before he gulped and moved to the prince's bed.

Jeongguk was hesitant to move the blankets as his hand shook above the material, but with a deep breath he grabbed it lightly and pulled it back before slipping in and pulling it up again. He let himself lay against the pillows beneath his head and let out a sigh as he lay on his side waiting for the prince to come back.

Taehyung walked back from putting their clothing into the hamper to see the younger male laying in the bed waiting. He smiled as he walked to the bed seeing how the younger was looking over the patterns on the pillowcases and blankets. He slipped in, trying not to disturb the younger's fascination with the materials and moved so he was eye level with the other.

"You okay?" He asked as he noticed how the warlock would look at something and his eyes would flutter closed for a second.

"Hmm, just tired," Jeongguk yawned lightly.

"Then sleep, it's alright" Taehyung smiled as he rubbed the younger's cheek lightly with his thumb.

"No, what if you wanna talk?" Jeongguk questioned as he pouted a bit with his eyes closed.

"I wouldn't want to keep you up" Taehyung shook his head. Jeongguk opened one of his eyes to look at the prince and then smiled.

"You wouldn't, I like listening to you speak, it's soothing" Jeongguk admitted, though his mind did not want him to, his heart did.

"Oh? So should I go on a rant then?" Taehyung chuckled, making the younger giggle tiredly.

"If you want… to, hyungie" The warlock yawned softly as he spoke and shifted so he was nuzzling the pillow.

"I won't" He smiled as he brushed the younger's hair out from his face. "I won't"

And the moon rose in the sky before the final days of peacefulness. Because it will change to pure chaos.


I hope you guys liked this chapter!
Make sure to read them in order please because I can see the numbers jump if people skip. 

So go on ahead and read the next chapter!

I purple you 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.Where stories live. Discover now