Zayn and Cassidy froze besides me at the sight of her; none of us expecting her presence.

Mason came out of the kitchen with a sheepish and panicked look on his face, "she told me not to say it was her because then you wouldn't have come. Plus, she said it was important so I'm just gonna go and leave it up to you big kids." he said before scurrying upstairs.

Once it was just the four of us situated in the room, the tension was thick in the air.

"You've got a lot of balls coming to my house." I said breaking the silence.

She set her tea down and studied me briefly, her eyes widening seconds after.

"Surprised?" I asked, with no emotion laced in my voice; already knowing that she figured out about me transitioning.

"What have you do-"

"Why are you here Avalon?" I said getting straight to the point.

Her mouth opened and then quickly closed.

"You try to corrupt my best friends powers, turn my own brother against me, and make my boyfriends life a living hell, and apparently mine too." I said. "So you either get straight to the point and tell me why you're here, or you leave. And if you don't leave, I'll make you."

She sucked in a sharp breath, "and if you even think about saying something smart or trying some witchy shit? I will hurt you. You're completely outnumbered so don't even think about it."

"What happened to you Nani? You used to be so nice and innocent. Is your mother even aware of what you've done to yourself? You're completely blinded by this fantasy of yours that will never cease exist."

"Believe it or not I've never seen things anymore clearer than I have now than in my twenty-one years of life, and as for my mom, she stopped giving a rats ass about me for the past decade. She doesn't have a say in my life. Now what is it that your here for?"

She stood up, grabbing her bag and rolling her eyes, "as if you care," she said, "My mom, who is also your grandma is very sick dear."

She waited for me to say something, but continued when she saw that I didn't.

"Her powers have been slowly decreasing and she's getting weaker every few days. You might wanna pay her a visit before it's too late."

The news shocked me. Apparently my grandmother was a very powerful which; powerful enough to cure Zayn of vampirism if she wanted to. So the sudden news that she's getting weak sends me on a total mind fuck.

"How is that possible? She offered to cure Zayn almost two months ago. How is it that she's getting weak?"

"I don't know, we've tried everything." She said simply, with an enigmatic look in her eyes that I just couldn't decipher.

"If this is some sick joke to see if I still have my humanity, which I do, I'll show you what it looks like when I don't, so you better not be playing games with me."

"I'm not lying, you can go check up on her yourself." She briefly looked over at Cassidy.

"Nice to see that your nut job of a friend is finally under control."

A loud threatening hiss left my mouth as the veins under my eyes bulged. I bared my fangs at her as she jumped in shock at my aggressive actions.

"My temper, is practically non-existent," I said slowly while narrowing my eyes, my voice dropping a few octaves lower, "don't come to my house with your petty bullshit. You already said what you had to say now leave."

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