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Staring at her sleeping figure with soft eyes, she's curled up into his pillow, her chest slowly rising up and down. Her breathing is slow but peaceful. Chewing on his bottom lip, he wouldn't deny that there was a tiny bit of guilt that nipped at him as he stared at her. Natasha was a good person⎯hell, she was a great person. She was kind, funny, smart, beautiful and loyal. She'd be the perfect person to have by your side in any situation, especially in war. He needed her⎯needed that kind of person in his corner.

Sliding out of the front door, the buzz of Percy's return had flooded the camp like a wildfire. Where he may have failed in this part of the plan, he could make up for it by gaining Natasha as an ally. She was well liked by the unclaimed kids. If he could get her on his side, he could get the unclaimed kids as well. They'd follow her lead and turn their backs on Camp. She was what he needed. Walking past the cabin, he enters the forest a shiver going up his spine as a dark mist rolls in, his hand slithering to his sword.

"You have failed me, son of Hermes.."  A sinister voice growls, the hairs on Luke's arms rising.

"I..Yes, my lord. But, we can always change things⎯our plans. Ares was too prideful and arrogant, we⎯I have learned from this mistake. This will not happen again, my lord." Luke stutters out, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"You have failed ME, boy.."

"I am sorry, my-y lord. But, we can still get rid of Percy. We have other options⎯" He tries to lie, but he's cut off.

"You FAILED me.."

The pure evilness in Kronos's voice is enough to make his legs quiver, fear paralyzing him. He knew that he had failed big time⎯No, he knew that this was enough to get him killed. But, he could at least try to beg for some kind of forgiveness. Falling down to his knees, Luke bows his head down in fear, the misty figure of Kronos slowly appearing above him.

The figure was nothing detailed, you could just make out that it had a head and shoulders, legs and long torso⎯kinda like a really thick intimidating stick figure. Any other time, he'd be laughing at the sight. But, this was no laughing matter. He's pulled from his thoughts by a low growl. His heart rate rises, sweat trickling down his forehead.

"I have another plan! I just need another chance.." He begs, his hands trembling.

"What of the girl.."

"Yes, Natasha! I'm working on it, my lord." He explains, "She just needs a little swaying. She needs to get away from Camp, then she'll go with us, my lord."

"We do not have time..We need her now.."

"I know, my lord." Luke reasons, "She's loyal and will be a good soldier. She'd be perfect, my lord. I just need more time."

There's a tenseness that fills the air after he speaks. Then, Kronos lets out a small growl like he was contemplating Luke's answer. Gulping at the sound, for the first time in a very long time, Luke prays. Prays that he survives this encounter. Prays that he hasn't fucked-up that badly.

Looking up at the figure, a shiver runs up his spine as the figure bends down, the blurred blob where Kronos face would be just inches from his. Like he was inspecting his reaction. Waiting for Kronos's reaction, the figure stands up straight, the mist of its feet slowly melting away as it takes a step back.

"Get her..We need the daughter of the dead.."

"Natasha? She's⎯there's⎯No, she's unclaimed." Luke stutters, "Natasha is an unclaimed child, my lord."

"No, she is the daughter of the dead.."

"Wait⎯She's⎯Hades? Her father is Hades?" Luke questions, "Are you saying she's a child of the big three?"


Furrowing her brows in confusion, his mind racks to all of the gods and goddesses that were related to what he was saying. The top picks were Hades, Persephone, and Thanatos. But, the issue was that Hades had a pack of not having any kids⎯he was also a guy and Natasha had a godly mother. Persephone was loyal to Hades and had no kids outside of him. Thanatos was a guy and Natasha had a godly mother⎯not a father. There were no other Goddesses of Death that could be Natasha's mother. So, who was Kronos talking about?

Hell, was he even talking about a Greek parent? There were literally no Goddesses of Death in Greek Mythology outside of Persephone. He could understand if he was talking about some other kind of mythology. Many different mythologies had Goddesses of Death. Like the Romans had the goddess Mania. The Norse had the goddess Hel. The Azetc had the goddess Mictecacihuatl. The Uralic had the goddess Kalma. The Hindu-Vedic had the goddess Dhumavati. The Greeks had one, and that was Persephone, there was no other goddess of death.

"But then who's her godly parent? I know it's her Mom, she has a mortal father. But there's no goddess of the dead, my lord. Unless it was a mortal mother and her father is actually her step father. But, even then⎯" Luke rambles, but is cut off by the booming voice of Kronos.

"QUIET BOY! You will understand in time.."

"I⎯okay, my lord." Luke nods, his voice dying on his tongue.

"Get the girl..Get rid of Perseus Jackson..Do not fail me again..Prove your worth.."

"I will. I won't fail you, my lord." Luke nods, his voice trembling from fear.

Kronos doesn't respond, and it scares him. Chewing on the inside of his cheek, the misty figure melts into a thick fog, the only sound being the lingering words of Kronos in the back of his head. Get the girl. His stomach churns, the guilt of what he must do making his insides curl in an uncomfortable way. His hands curl into fists, his nails digging into the palm of his hand.

Yeah, he cared about her⎯he cared about her a lot, but it wasn't enough to make him stop what he was doing. He needed to be on Kronos's good side. He needed his help. He needed to be the one to make the Olympians pay. And if it meant doing this, then so be it. He'd do it⎯He'd do it a million times over if needed. After all, it was just a small sacrifice for a greater reward.

"I am sorry Natasha." He whispers, shutting his eyes tightly.

There's no response, just like how he expected⎯like how he wanted.

"I'm really sorry, but I have to..I have to do this." He pauses, "I hope that one day, if you ever learn of the truth, you can forgive me for this. But, I did what I had to."


And I am done with the chapter! Stay safe out there guys!

I hope you all are doing okay emotionally and physically! I love you all!

I hope that you are enjoying the book so far! A quick reminder to comment below about the story of what you think so far.

P.S. Now that you've seen Luke's POV, can you spot the moments that Luke is being manipulative in previous chapter's? Can you see the moments where he's just conveniently  there for her? Can you see the way he's being the perfect comfort person  for her? Like I said a little while ago, Luke isn't doing this out of love, but out of personal gain. 

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