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I am stealth. I am invisible. I am so gonna win this round of pillow hide and seek. Hearing the front door creak open, I peek my head from under the couch cushion, my pillows in hand. Ready for anything⎯everything. Watching as four figures sprint through the front door, they pass by the couch, totally unaware of me. Good. Very good. Now was my time to strike.

Slipping my way out of the couch cushions, I gripped onto the arm rest, yanking my foot from the thick cushioning. Trying to escape my cushioning prison. I have been in there for ten minutes now! Waiting for them. But, now I have them in my sights. Gripping onto my pillow tightly, I creep up behind them, ready to strike. When I saw the dead body that they were carrying in.

"Who's he?" I ask, making my presence known.

"Gods, Nat! Don't do that!" Lee scolds, "But, that's Percy Jackson."

"Is he like someone important? Or just another unclaimed kid that washed up?" I ask, dropping the pillow on the floor.

"He got attacked by a Minotaur. Fought it and won." He mumbles, "You can interpret that however you want."

Chasing after him, they drag him over to one of the empty beds, the Apollo kids sprint in every which direction. Probably to search for the things they might need to save the lucky idiot's life. Slowing down my pace as I approach the now semi-occupied room, I furrow my brows at the muddy boy in the bed. That was weird. There was only mud on him, no water.

Clearing his throat loudly, I snap out of my trance, turning my head to Lee. Tucking my hands behind my back, I flash Lee a sheepish smile, which makes him raise a brow. Yeah, I broke one of Mr D's rules. No hiding in the couch cushions. But, was it worth it? Yep. Would I do it again? Yes. Very much so. It was worth it every time.

"Is he gonna die?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

"What? No." Lee shakes his head, "Well, technically, yes but like much later on⎯"

"I mean if he fought the Minotaur and won, he's more likely to die quicker.." I chuckle, my voice trailing off.

"Not funny." He scolds, "Not in the slightest."

Stepping to the side, I stared at the unconscious kid over Lee's shoulder, narrowing my eyes at the sight of his face. I had to say that he was rather ugly looking⎯or at least right now he was. Hair smothered with a thick layer of mud. A small cut on his forehead. Mouth wide open as a fountain of drool pools out of his mouth. What I assumed was supposed to be a snore leaves his lips every few seconds.

He was either having the best sleep of his life or he was just a really ugly unconscious person. I was betting on the best sleep of his life. It seemed like the best choice. Plus, nobody could sleep through the rumbling of the rain. It was pounding down on us. Like Zeus was having a really bad day and wanted everyone to know it.

"What's so special about him though? The Minotaur doesn't come down this south. Isn't he supposed to be in like Canada or something?" I furrow my brows together.

"Yeah. But, I think he's a powerful one. Maybe like a son of Ares or something. It makes sense right?" He nods, crossing his arms over his chest.

"It could, I mean⎯The Minotaur doesn't chase after just any half-blood. You have to be special. Maybe he's like a really powerful kid of Ares. Or maybe he's just been around a lot of other half-bloods so his scent was extra strong." I suggest, crossing my arms over my chest.

"That could be it." He nods, "But we'll have to wait until he's claimed to see."

Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, the counselors were always so damn perky about being claimed, always giving the new campers false hope. Prancing around camp like arrogant horses that won the blue ribbon to the older unclaimed kids. They got your hopes up and got you all excited, then as the longer you waited, they slowly turned smug.

Whether they meant to or not. You just felt the judgment in their eyes. You felt the smuggest as they went to their cabins. As they prayed aloud for their godly parent. You got reminded that you were unclaimed and they weren't. So there must have been something wrong with you. Because if they can get claimed, why couldn't you?

"You mean, if." I argue, "If he gets claimed."

"He'll get claimed." He argues, a confident look on his face.

"You said that to me forever ago and yet I'm still camping out on the Hermes Cabin floor. Unclaimed." I scoff, rolling my eyes.

Crossing my arms over my chest, my eyes trail down to the sleeping boy, he had no idea what was to come when he woke up. All the nights camping out on the Hermes cabin. Waiting for your Mom or Dad to claim you. It'll kill him when it doesn't happen right away.

"Nat.." He whispers, his voice soft.

I couldn't help but think back to the first day I was brought to camp. Dad told me it was a special summer camp, after he had said that I didn't bother listening anymore because I was so excited. I was all packed up, excited to spend my summer vacation here. It was better than being stuck at Grandma's Jones house in the Georgia heat.

He said he'd be back in a week, but if I wanted to come home early, I'd just have to give him a call. Chiron and Mr D sat me down, explained how camp worked. How my Mom was a Goddess, which one? They had no idea. But, I was a daughter of one of the Greek gods. That because I was undetected for so long, I'd be able to leave at any time I wanted. I stayed for the entire summer, hoping that I'd be claimed. I still was.

"Don't get the poor kids' hopes up. It'll kill him when it doesn't happen. Trust me." I whisper, chewing on the inside of my cheek.

"Hey, I'm sure your Mom is just busy, that's why she hasn't claimed you yet." Lee whispers, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Maybe she doesn't want me. Maybe she's ashamed of how I turned out. Or maybe that's just how it is, Lee. Some of us aren't lucky like you guys. Some of us don't get claimed. Some of us are stuck waiting." I scoff, shoving his hand off me.

"You don't need to get angry." He whispers, an apologetic look on his face.

Don't get angry? Don't get angry? Are you kidding me?! I had every reason to be angry. I have been waiting for months now to get claimed by my Mom. There were other kids who had waited longer. And I didn't have a right to be angry about it? Gritting my teeth together, my hands curl up into tight fists, it took everything in me to not snap back at him.

"I'm not angry⎯" I take a deep breath, trying not to sound to angry. "Look, I'm gonna go to bed. It's late. I'll see you tomorrow morning, Lee."

"I'll see you tomorrow morning, Nat." He hums, flashing me a smile.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes, "Tell me when wonder boy wakes up. I wanna see how this one turns out."


And I am done with the chapter! Stay safe out there guys!

I hope you all are doing okay emotionally and physically! I love you all!

I hope that you are enjoying the book so far! A quick reminder to comment below about the story of what you think so far.

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