Start from the beginning

Throwing on her red satin robe on her way out of the bathroom, she races to her bedside table where her phone was laid.

"Set the tone, when it's just me and you alone. Never l-"

"Hello?" She answers the call.

"Oh wow you're up." Chris's comforting timbre wafts through the device.

"Wow?" Cataleya hums in amusement. "Sir, what's that suppose to mean?"

"Exactly what the word means." Chris muses, "I'm in shock because you actually picked up the phone meaning you've been up."

"Yes, yes I have." Cataleya smiles proudly, "And for the record it's after 12 so I don't know why you were expecting me to still be asleep."

"Well that's because I know how yo 'don't wake me up before twelve ass" likes to sleep in past that," Chris terribly mimics her voice causing Cataleya to roll her eyes playfully, "Epecially after spending the night with me."

The seductive smirk in his voice along with the subtle raspiness of his deep tone, forces Cataleya to take a seat on her bed for stability. Taking a quick decline to regain her hormones and composure, Cataleya proceeds to say what had been troubling her mind since she woke up

"Speaking of, I thought I was going to wake up to you still by my side." She pouts.

Chris chuckles, "You sound disappointed."

"Not even." She lies, "Just surprised and a little confused, that's all."

"Mhm... So what you been up to since you claim you been up for a minute? How you feeling today and how my babies doing?"

Cataleya smiles, "Well I was trying to get myself ready for the day till yo obsessive but in denial ass called to check in on me." She teases causing Chris to snort lightly, " I'm feeling much better thank you for asking and I'm sure our babies are fine as they having the time of their lives wiggling around on my bladder."

"Nice." Chris' warm smile grows toothy, while Cataleya playfully rolls her eyes, " well I'm glad to hear your feeling better and that our babies, are doing okay. Definitely added more brightness to my day."

"Mhm, same." Cataleya hums with a small smile,  though her heart and stomach were swarming with butterflies. "so where are you? You in your room or down-"

"Nah, I'm out."

"Out? Like out of the house -not on the grounds out?"


"Oh okay," Cataleya frowns at the vagueness of his answer. "I thought you weren't working today."

"I'm not," He pauses, "But I'm running some errands with Yanni right now."

And just like that, Cataleya's morning was ruined.

The line turns dead silent on her end as she struggles to maintain her composure.

'Why the fuck is he out with her now?' Her inner voice seethes. "He didn't mention anything about running errands with anybody today, especially not with her.'

On the other end of the phone call, Chris frowns at the silence between them. But before he could ask her what was wrong, the sound of a knock at her door grabbed both of their attention.

"I have to go, someone's at the door." She voices.

"Okay, call me back."

"Yeah, bye."

Hanging up, she places her phone back on the bedside table before advancing towards the door.


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