Chapter Two

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Adrian’s POV

     Jesse and I cuddled on the couch after having eaten breakfast. I loved days like this and this is how we spent our summers, but this was going to be our last summer we spend like this. Once I finish my last year of school, I’ll be starting at my mother-in-law psychologist office. I will be learning from her before I go on my own. I will be working with younger kids.

          I was saddened that this was our last summer together, but I was excited to start working with the younger kids. It helped me a lot just talking about what I was going through. I know that it was going to be hard to listen to everything they had been through, but I also wanted to help them.

       “Jay what do you want more a boy or a girl?” I asked.

        “Baby to me I don’t care as long as they are healthy,” he ran his fingers through my hair; I loved when he did that. It was always so comforting. “But if I had to choose one I guess I would go with a boy. What about you?”

       “Typical guy respond, always wanting a son first.” He chuckled and kissed the top of my head. “Well I would want a girl, to have a daddy’s girl.”

        “She will be the luckiest girl in the world; she will have two daddies.”

         “That she will be, do you ever wonder that when we have our own kids if they will come out ok?” it wouldn’t bother me if our baby came out special needs, I just know that it was going to be twice as hard.

           “I do but if they come out that way, I’m still going to love them because they are our child. What about you?”

            “The same, even if it is going to make thing difficult raising a special needs child, they are going to be ours and I will love them either way.”

             “Do you think we should adopt or have our own?”

              “I would like to have our own, but there are so many children out there who need a family as well.”

            “That’s true, I would mind adopting, and it would be the perfect chance to change a child’s life.” Nodded my head as I snuggled closer to Jesse, he was right. It would change a child’s life and it would make them feel wanted.

             “When do you think we should tell everyone we are trying to have a baby?” I didn’t want to tell my side of the family so soon after Megan and James had the twins. I didn’t want to outshine them or steal the attention from them.

        “We should wait a while, maybe at the end of the summer. Don’t want to steal all of Megan’s thunder now.” I chuckled as Jesse pulled me closer to him.

         “Yeah we so don’t want to do that, what are we doing today?” I really wanted to go see Calvin and Hunter again, it had only been a week since they had been born, but I never pass up a chance to see them.

          “Well I would say let’s stay in but I know that you have been dying to go see Calvin and Hunter again.” Jesse said, he knew me too well.

           “Am I that easy to read?” he chuckled as he kissed the top of my head again.

             “Baby to me you are an open book, plus I know how much you love babies and the fact you have been calling Megan every day to see how the twins are doing.” I scrunched up my nose.

             “You’re making it seem like I call every hour.”

              “Almost every hour.”

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