Chapter Seventeen

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Photo on the side is how i picture Maddie to look like if anyone was curious.

Adrian's POV 

      We found a four bedroom apartment at a reasonable price. We were lucky to find it and it was closer to where Jesse worked. Now all that was left was for the state to say yes and we can start the paperwork to get custody of  Peter and Hailey.

      I know Jesse had his concern about all this, but I was happy he agreed to it. I really did believe we are what they needed. Now I was just here waiting for them to coming for their session and find out if they said yes. I was also waiting for Jesse to get here with Maddie.

      “So if they give you two the ok, you know we will be happy to help you two with anything you two need.” Emily said. They were excited that we had been offered this chance, so was my family. Jesse was the only one that wasn’t, he thought I was going to let it get to me if we were to lose them. I wasn't, I had him and Maddie to think about now.

         "Yes we know and thank you for that, if they do allow us to have them, we are going to need a lot of things for them." That was another thing, we were really going to have to tighten our belts. "Do you think Jesse is really ok with this?" He told me he was but with him, he will do anything to make me happy, even if it's something he is really unsure about.

         "Honestly I don't think so and it's not because of what Peter and Hailey went through. He worries about you, he is crazy in love with you Adrian and while you two were trying to adopt, it broke his heart with every rejection. Not because you two were rejected but because you took it the hardest. It's what you wanted the most and he couldn't give you that, he felt like a failure. He would call me crying that he didn't know what to do, he thought he was going to lose you. You mean the world to him, he just doesn't want you to break down like that again, not when it's just not him anymore.  Just remember Adrian, you have a daughter now, she needs you too."

          "I know that and I told I won't, whatever happens I will always be thinking about them first."

          "Good, because we all do care for you Adrian and you two deserve to have all this happiness." I nodded my head as we heard a knock on the door. Jesse walked in with Maddie in his arms. Emily got up from the chair and walked over to them. "How's my baby girl this morning?" She took her from Jesse and kissed her face, Maddie giggled.

          "Hey baby," Jesse said as he walked over to me. I hugged and kissed him, I held onto him. I know he didn't want this but I was grateful he was giving it a chance for me. "So we will find out today if they are going to allow us to have them." I nodded my head. "If they say yes, we should go and sign the paperwork for the apartment and give the deposit."

          "Yeah and Jesse," he looked at me. "I love you and thank you for this, I know it's a lot for us to take on but we will make it work." He kissed my forehead and smiled.

          "I love you too baby and you know I'll don’t anything to make you happy." The intercom went off.

           "Adrian your eleven o'clock is here, do you want me to let them in?" Rick said.

           I let go of Jesse and pressed the button, "Yes let them in." Emily gave Maddie to Jesse and kissed her goodbye. "You ready to meet some new people Maddie?" She cooed and clapped her hands, we laughed. "I'll take that as a yes." Mr. Gaines opened the door and walked in with Peter and Hailey. A woman walked in after them, I wondered who she was. Peter and Hailey smiled when they say Jesse with Maddie, they all took their seat on the sofa.

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