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Jesse’s POV

Five Years Later

      “Daddy I don’t want to wear a dress to my first day of school.” Maddie whined as she fussed with the said dress. If it was up to me I would have let her wear whatever she wanted, but that dress was a gift from her grandparents. So Adrian told her she had to wear it for her first day of school.

      “I know honey, but your grandparents got you that to wear on your first day of school. It’s just for today and after that you can wear whatever like.” I finished combing and braiding her hair, I did it the same way I always did Holly’s hair when we were younger.

      “Maddie the dresses are pretty,” Hailey said as she looked at herself in the mirror. She also got a dress from them too. Maddie scrunched up her nose, “It makes you look very pretty.” Hailey added, but Maddie still pouted. She looked so much like Adrian when she did that.

      Maddie was our little tomboy, she preferred jeans and shorts over dresses and skirts. Thanks to my dad he had gotten her into sports. Unlike her older sister Hailey, she loved to get dirty and help her grandpa out.

      “Yes Maddie you look very pretty,” she still didn’t smile and jumped off the chair. At least we wouldn’t have to worry about her going boy crazy. However Hailey was going to be another thing. “Ok Hailey come here so I can do your hair now.”

      Now Hailey was our girly girl, she loved going shopping with all the women in the family. She was just eleven and we feared when the time comes for her to date. She’s a beautiful girl and knew that boys will be falling at her feet. To top it off she already talk about boys she liked.

      “Daddy can I get my ears pierced?”

      “When your twelve,” I finished her hair.

      “But daddy I’m the only girl in my grade that doesn’t have them pierced.” Hailey whined. “And you and daddy have your ears pierced!” she exclaimed.

      “True but we were older sweetie, it’s just for a few more months, and you can wait until then.” She pouted her lips, “Hailey Logan stop it, that little pouty face isn’t going to work.” She pouted her lips more, damn Adrian for showing them that. I sighed and shook my head, “I’ll talk it over with dad ok?”

      “Oh thank you daddy,” Hailey said as she hugged me and kiss me on the cheek before she ran out of the room.

      “Dad before you know it they will all have you wrapped around their little finger.” Peter said as he walked into living room. He picked up his backpack off the couch and put in a book. “Oh and I was told to tell you breakfast was ready.” He said before he dropped the backpack back on the couch.

      “You’re telling me, I’m just lucky that you’re on my side.”

      “Most of the time,” he said as he followed me to the kitchen.

      “Just most of the time?”

      “You know when I need something, the whole pouting helps.” He smiled at me.

      “Well then I was wrong, you’re more like your sisters after all.” I said as I ruffled his hair.

      “Ugh dad stop, you’re just like grandpa. Don’t you know how long it took me to fix my hair just the way I wanted!” he shouted as he tried to fix his hair.

      I chuckled as I watched him runs his fingers through his hair. “So who are you trying to impress at school?” I asked when he stopped fixing his hair.

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