Chapter Sixteen

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Picture on the side is Peter and Hailey

Jesse's POV

       I walked through the door and was greeted by Rick, “Hey Jesse and how is Maddie today?” he asked as he took her from to kiss her. “Oh my god she is just getting so big!” he kissed her cheeks again as she giggled. “Has she started walking yet?”

      “No, but she stood up by herself today. Do you want to see the video?”

      “Duh,” he chuckled as I took my phone out, “Oh wow, she is growing up so quickly. It only feels like it was the other day she was born and now we have this beautiful baby girl.” He pinched her plump cheeks.

     “Tell me about it and before we know it she will be going to school and then I’ll be fight off the boys if she continues to look like her daddy.”

      “No kidding and she is going to have those dimples, I just feel sorry for any boy that is dumb enough to ask her out with two very protective fathers.” I chuckled at he handed her back to me.

      “Well unless he can win us over, it won’t be so bad and it would be better if the boy was more of a nerd than a jock. Since neither of us are into sports, a nerd will better impress us.” Rick chuckled, “So is Adrian free or is he still with someone?”

      “No he is free, you want me to tell him you’re here?”

      “Nope that’s fine, I’ll just go right in.”  I opened the door and turned to face Rick. “Oh did the Chinese food I order come already?”

      “Yeah, Adrian has it in his office and you owe me thirty bucks, that includes the tip as well.” I reached for my wallet, pulled out thirty dollars and handed them to him. “Thanks, enjoy.” I opened the door again and walked down to Adrian’s office. I walked into his office to find him and my mom talking.

      “Hey guys,” I placed the diaper bag on the chair and walked over to Adrian. He kissed me before he took Maddie from me. “Hey Jesse,” my said as she hugged. “Well I’ll let you two enjoy your lunch.” She kissed Maddie before she left us alone.

      “Hand me Maddie’s food first, so I can feed her.”

      “Already feed her, that’s why we are late. She made a big mess of herself and I had to give her another bath. Word of advice, spaghetti is not a good food for her to eat if your expect her to stay clean.” Adrian laughed.

      “Is that true Maddie, did you make a big mess for daddy to clean?” she cooed as she put her little hand on Adrian’s face. “Aw our baby girl didn’t mean too huh beautiful girl.” She giggled as he kissed her cheek repeatedly.

      “So guess what?” I said as I opened the containers of food.

      “Um Maddie finally said dada while she threw spaghetti at you?” he smiled at me and I shook my head.

      “Nope but, she did manage to stand up on her own, well with the help of the coffee table.” Adrian pouted, “But don’t worry I recorded her doing it.” I took out my phone and showed him the video.

      “Oh my god she is growing up too fast.” His eyes started to water, he kissed her again.

      “Tell me about it,” I grabbed the diaper bag and pulled out a blanket. I spread it out on the floor and grabbed some of Maddie’s toys. Adrian kicked off his shoes and sat down on the floor with her. he placed her next to him and handed her toys. I got us our food and sat down next to him, “Here you go baby.”

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