Chapter Nine

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*A/N Aw y'all are just so great and y'all gave me so many good names it was so hard to choose one, so I picked the best two and those people will get the dedication!

P.S. make sure to check the song out!

Adrian's POV

      The past nine months have been a blur, one minute we are just finding out that we are going to be dads and the next we are waiting for our little peanut to get here. I have waited so long for this moment and any day now our peanut will be born.

      We wanted to wait until the baby was born to find out the sex and Jane was happy that she wasn’t carrying twins. We had the names picked out for both a boy and a girl. I was really hoping for a girl and Jesse wanted a boy, but we will be happy with whatever we got.

      I was putting the finishing touches on our peanut’s nursery; since we didn’t know what we were having we did it in pale yellow with a baby duck theme going on. Just standing in here and looking at everything, just made it even realer that our little family was going to be complete soon.

      “So this is the special bedding you have been waiting for?” Jesse said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

      “Yes it finally came in this morning,” I ran my hand over the quilted baby duck blanket. “God I didn’t think it was going to make it in time for when our peanut is born. I think it just really finishes off the room, what do you think?”

      “Yes and it looks good baby.”  We looked around the room; we had everything we needed for our peanut’s arrival. We owed a big thanks to our friends and family, without them we wouldn’t have most of the things we needed.

      “Now all we need is our peanut to get here.” I added.

      “Don’t worry baby he will be here any day now.”

      “Hey it could be a she, don’t forget that mister!” I kissed him before I stepped away from him. “What time did Jane say she would be over?”

      “Um I believe it was at three,” he looked down at his watch. “Which should be any minute now, I just hope she isn’t so grumpy today.”

      “I know she was never this moody when she was pregnant with Wendy.”

      “It must be the Ryder genes; she is acting the same way Megan was when she was pregnant. You people can get really moody for no reason at all.” I rolled my eyes.

      “No we don’t,” I said as I pinched his arm.

      “You just proved my point!” Jesse yelled as he rubbed his arm. “It’s a good thing you’re not a girl I don’t think I could handle you being pregnant.”

      “You’re not funny!” he grabbed me around my waist and brought me back to him.

      “I’m just teasing baby,” he kissed my cheek.

      “Your still not funny,” he kissed me again as my phone went off. I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Jane. “Hey Jane, come on up the door is open.”

      “Oh hey Adrian, it’s Amanda. I’m just calling you to tell you that Jane went into labor and we are on our way to the hospital.”

      “Oh my God ok oh my god, ok ok ok we are going now.” I hung up my phone and turned to face Jesse. “Jane just went into labor, we have to go to the hospital!” I shouted excitedly at him.

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