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" Mamma; did you like mommy at first?"

"Let me finish bambina!!"

"I'm just so curious!"

"Do you want to know it? Si, I fell in love with her from the first moment even though I didn't understand it easily"

" Ok, grazie. Now go on"


" The next days we just continued the reading tables as always; Me and Danielle, we've never talked together beyond the script. She was shy and so was I. Imagine have a very intense chemestry with someone you have never saw in your entire life! It was confusing but mostly awkward, at least it was for me... When the day to record came I was anxious because I thought she hated me or something, but at least I knew we could build something beyond our relationship. I remember I was so clumsy that day; especially since I didn't sleep at night, so yes, I was so asleep. I went to the set, I went to my dressing room where I changed for our first scene together, which was the scene in the bar.

I was chatting on the phone with someone when I heard a knock on my door. To be honest I got scared because I didn't expect it. <It's open> I said sitting more composed, it was your mom, ready to record. She came in and smiled at me and said, < Hey, you're gorgeous!!>. As she can tell you, I blushed as usual and thanked her. < You are also perfectly fine> I replied; she was really beautiful, with her long blonde hair, her big smile, her blue eyes. < Ready to film?> she asked leaning against the wall, < A little nervous but yes,you? >; <I'm actually not thst nervous right now, I feel it'll be easy.>,I smiled and got up. We looked at each other intensely, I couldn't keep the visual contact so I lowered my head and smiled. < Shall we go?> I asked and we went to the set.

She was sitting on the stool, I was out cameras and when the time came I entered on the scene. Once started everything seemed real, I was loose almost as if it was happening in real life; it actually was if we count the fact that we never talked that much. I felt like me and her were the only two people in the room. I wasn't acting, I was just being me.I didn't know how she was feeling at the time but I wasn't ashemed, all was so real that I've relized just after some seconds the fact that we were recording everything! I know it sounds crazy but I feel this likeit happened yesterday so I can clearly tell you how I felt.

When we finished to record I went in the dressing room, got changed again and then, with no thoughts, I went streight to Danielle's room to ask her if she wanted to get lunch with me. When I got there she was in underwear, it was a very funny moment. I started to laugh so much that I couldn't stay in foot, I fell on the ground, she did the same; it was like we were friends since middle school. I don't remeber actually why I laughed but I just know that since this moment we never stopped talking to each other.


Hey y'all; I hope you enjoyed it, let me know in the comment what you guys think about this chapter, don't forget to vote and if you want to follow me here on wattpad!


Just the two of us; stefanielleWhere stories live. Discover now