Chapter 10 - The day after the night before.

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"I am soooo sorry. I don't know what got into me. I drank too much." It was the lameest excuse. Well, I did know what got into me but I wasn't going to tell him. Looking at his chest made me feel even worse. The thought that I had wanted to, seriously contemplated, biting him again made me feel sick. I backed away from him. "I am so sorry." I was trying to hold back tears

"It's okay mate. I'm pulling your leg." James tugged me into his arms and patted my back before holding me at arms length. He looked at me, straight into my eyes. "If this is the price I have to pay for a night like last night, I'm willing to pay it." He pointed to his chest.

"It's like some weird badge of honour. Last night you were amazing." He rolled his eyes. "I'm not sure how I'm still standing today, I'm sore, raw, and totally knackered"

Changing the subject and trying to lighten the mood he said. "I wasn't really that into the guy away. But you owe me one new boyfriend."

He went back to the dishes. "Do you want breakfast?" James smiled at me over his shoulder. I was glad that we were OK, no harm done. He would find a new boyfriend and another one after that, and forget about last night. James was a good man but probably will never be able to commit to one person. I was grateful that when our short relationship ended we had a good friendship to fall back on.


I love running, it must be the influence of my wolf. I headed off down to the river. Once my feet touched the grass I was off, running as fast as I could until my lungs hurt and my calves started to burn. Pushing myself like this was the best feeling ever. I enjoyed the wind in my face and running in and out of the dappled light under the large trees that lined the path. The river sparkled and it was almost always quiet. After a couple of laps of the park, I crossed the river at the bridge. I slowed down to a jog to get through the crowd of shoppers. The skyline of the city is impressive. I never get sick of looking at it. The different architectural styles make for a weird mix of old and new. It's even more beautiful at night, all lit up and especially under a big full moon.

I slowed down to a gentle jog as I weaved through the crowd heading for Hosier Street. I liked passing through the narrow laneway and seeing what was new. Running up that lane is like an obstacle race but with Tourist all looking up, with cameras stuck to their faces. All of them are oblivious to their surroundings and the people trying to navigate around them. Then it's a pit stop at my favourite cafe for a coffee and mammoth doughnut, then a nice leisurely walk back home.


The minute I set foot in the house James was in my face. "Hang on." He stopped me from going any further. I look at him and he looks seriously anxious. His eyes were wide and he seemed...scared. "A guy is waiting for you. He INSISTED. Are you in some kind of trouble? The guy looks like a well-dressed thug." I went to have a peek but James pulled me back, he really was freaking out. Then I suddenly knew why. I could smell him. I could feel his presence fill the house. As a human James wouldn't know why he's feeling uneasy. It's his primal survival instincts kicking in. "Maybe you should go back out, and come back later. He'll get sick of waiting."

"It's OK James, it's fine. I think I know who it is." I patted him on the shoulder to calm him a little. "Seriously, I'm not in any trouble. Relax."

I straightened my shoulders and braced myself physically and mentally. Unfortunately, I was dressed in sweaty shorts and a T, and not in a fit state to intimidate the visitor waiting for me. I had no choice but to face my past. They had caught up with me after two years and there was no running away.

I walked down the hallway into the large lounge dining room area. James followed close behind. I suspected he thought he would jump in and protect me if there was any trouble. If he only knew in reality he would be dead in less than a second if he did.

Sitting stiffly like a mannequin dressed in an expensive black suit, was The Pure's PA. He looked like one of the characters from Men in Black, complete with dark glasses. He stood up and turned to face me as we stepped further into the room. I could see he was carefully examining me from head to foot in his cold, impersonal way. I imagined he was methodically writing notes in his head. I wondered what he would report back to Damien.

When I last saw them both I was a scrawny 15-year-old. I was not far off being malnourished. Waif-like would have been an accurate description. I have filled out thanks to good food and not the scraps my parents gave me. Hard work and generally having a happy life, had helped make a man of me. My eyes were clear and I hoped they showed that I was a confident person now. My wolf was not happy to see him either. Its red eyes were glowing and I could feel a low continuous growl running through me.

"It's a pleasure to see you again Mr. Nikola. I have a number of urgent matters I need to discuss with you." He placed his fingertips lightly on an envelope lying on the table in front of him. It looked very familiar.

" I was wondering if I could have a little of your time, IN PRIVATE." I could feel James bristle behind me.

"Tell him to fuck off." He whispered in my ear. I tried to shush him. "I'll do it if you want me to, just say the word." I was thinking please James shut up, no amount of whispering is going to stop the PA from hearing every word you say.

"James, could you leave us for a little while? Go for a walk or something." I tried to turn him around and out of the room but he didn't budge. "It really is fine. I know him. Go for a walk, please."

James was being particularly stubborn. He was literally puffing out his chest like a fighting cock. He looked at me and I pleaded with him silently to at least go to his room. "Pleeeeease. " I whispered. He finally backed up out of the room and went grudgingly up the stairs.

I went and sat at the table opposite the PA. He sat down and removed his glasses. For the first time, I saw his rather amazing blue eyes, cold as ice. "Shall we start?" He said.

Breaking the Bond that Binds.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang