Bunny Raven... or... How to Make A Titananimal Disappear

Start from the beginning

"Well Tight animals let see you try stop me now, on with the show!" Mumbo vanished then the five of you also disappeared, it was a dark place you all looked around, but you can see perfectly clear, owls do have the eyes for night visions you fly to Cyborg shoulder to stand on "I'm so hoping that you (Y/n),  yo lamp boy turn on the light." And that is what Beast boy did "Ah man I can take losing a fight but this is just mean." Cyborg tried taking off his pink skirt when he did so you just flew over on top of Robin's head, you see Cyborg repeatedly take the skirt off but a new one always appears causing to make Cyborg to make a pile of skirts. 

"How is Mumbo able to change us into animals?" "I'm guessing Mumbo's magic is more powerful in the hat." You answered Starfire "Who knows how many tricks he has up his sleeve we got to find Raven and get out of here." Robin says "Ugh wait until I get my claws on Mumbo! Did I just say claws?" Cyborg said in an surprised tone, "Ugh be thankful you do not have the flees." Starfire says as she scratch herself, Beast boy turned into those old telephones Cyborg goes to answer it "Uh hello?" "Hello! What do you got to complain about I'm an lamp! Whats wrong with being an animal anyway at least you guy got legs, I can't even move, and do you have any idea how hot a light-." Cyborg hangs up the phone 

"Well at least we found a way to shut him up." But Beast boy turned into an airhorn, blowing a loud sound in Cyborg ear making him fly back into the skirts then hitting a door. "Where did that come from?" Cyborg questioned "Its probably another one of Mumbo's tricks, but its better than stumbling around in the dark." Robin opens the door, you guys walk through the door and was back in front of the theater "Were back where we started." Starfire pointed out "And I'm still wearing a skirt." Beast boy turned into a phone again, Cyborg backed away from it not wanting to answer it, Starfire and Robin played rock paper scissors to see who will answer it, you rolled your eyes and went to go answer it, all you really did was use your beak to drop the phone then you flew to the ground "So what does the great bluedini want with Raven anyway? he questioned

"I have no clue, but at the moment I think we have another problem to work on." You say as a big car pulls up hand gloves came out the car "Ahhh killer gloves!" Beast boy yelled "Sorry your breaking up, bad connection." The fight didn't go so well Robin threw a banana while Starfire coughed up a hairball and Cyborg sonic cannon doesn't work and being an owl doesn't help all that much one of the hands flicked you away "Hey let me help I can prank call him!" Beast boy yelled out "How do we take him down?" Starfire asked "We fight hand to hand." "That's easy for you to say I have wings!" You yelled at Robin, more gloves came close "Guys I could us a hand here."  Beast boy yelled he was being tossed around like he was the ball of a game of catch

You went to go save Beast boy while the rest of the team dealt with the gloves, you grabbed Beast boy with your beak but one of the gloves slapped you and Beast boy in the back of the car like you were a tennis ball the rest of the titans also got captured, "Were trapped in a hat being man handled by gloves, whats next!" Cyborg yelled "What next you say I see a future for you in show biz a bright but very short future Mumbo jumbo!" A Mumbo Houdini disappeared 

also making you all disappear too, you guys were back in the theater but of course captured with a hand, but hey Raven is also there "You know what they say if you can't beat Mumbo join Mumbo." "Were not going to be apart of your show." Robin said "Oh I think you will what I have planned for you makes me so happy I feel like singing, maestro." Another Mumbo started to play the piano "Don't bother getting up your in my control~ no way for you to fuss and fight, I took away all your powers so lucky you~ you will be in my show tonight."

The team was surrounded by cards that were dressing ya'll up, "You think you can defeat me~ how very cruel, well titans one thing you should know~ I'm the one with magic powers around here." A hand started to put powder makeup on you guys "I'm the one who runs the show, I'm the master of ceremonies~ so let me set you straight, with just a wave of my magic wand I'm master of your fate." You guys started to take off the clothing they put on "Just with some hocus pokus and slight of hand you all are under my command~ put them in their cages, keep them all apart." They put you guys in separate cages 

"He is the master of ceremonies, so let him set you straight just the wave of his magic wand he's master of your fate~." Mumbo's crew joined in on the song "Now for the greatest grand finally and the reason on why your here~ tonight I will make the titans disappear." Mumbo went to go to talk to the audience "We have to stop the show before the finally, or else it's curtains for us." "Perhaps if we work together we with find a way to defeat him." Starfire said after Robin "Mumbo has taken our powers he's turn us into furry creatures and a lamp how do we defeat him when he's holding all the cards." Raven pointed out, "Powers or no powers were still the titans what we got to do is-." The audience started clapping "The show is starting." Cyborg warns you guys 

"Puts your hands together for borgy the magnificent dancing cybear." "And I'm the opening act." Cyborg was pretty sad and scared "Mumbo gots eyes in the back of his hat, Beast boy is right." Beast boy was typing out on a type writer, Robin then got pulled up for the next act meaning Cyborg came back "What happen." You read for Beast boy "He made me do a jig." Starfire gasp "That mad man must be stopped! Please what is a jig?" "Mumbo made Cyborg dance." You explained, Robin came back "Any ideas?" he asked "Still working on it." Cyborg tells him, you were being brought up to the stage "Bye, bye."

"Now introducing our fantastic singing bird!" "For your information I'm and owl not a bird." "It talks to much." Said by someone in the audience "I'm sorry but who asked for your opinion because I heard no one even talk to you." Some of the audience members laugh, Mumbo let you out the cage "Two people I hate to fight, Mad mod and Mumbo their two people you don't want to be high with." That sure got the audience going "These villains keep getting weirder and weirder what next imma fight tofu, now that's a head line." They went crazy for you Mumbo pushes you back in the cage and sets you down "What did he make you do?" Robin asked "I was a comedian." 

"Was it because your funny looking." "Your a bear in a skirt babe, I wouldn't be the one talking." Starfire was taken next "I got it!" "It can't involve driving a tank or leashing magician sharks." "I don't got it." Beast boy says "Thank you for sharing though." You told him, Star came back then Beast boy was taken away "Five acts down, one to go we don't have much time before the finally." Robin points out "Raven you are the Mumbo's assistance surely you must know some of his secrets." Starfire asked "He never told me anything." Beast boy came back, Raven was next "Well guys it was fun while it lasted never thought I'll go as an owl." time passed then Raven came back 

"People hurry the finally is next and were on in five." "You heard the man five minutes till poof." Cyborg tells you guys "There gots to be something were not seeing." The phone rang, Robin picked it up "Maybe this is all a Mumbo Jumbo big trick." He said "It all seems awfully real to me." "Starfire is right whatever happens in here is real even if its a trick... but that means we can't performs a even bigger trick, Robin can your tails reach those cans of paint." "Sure." "Beast boy can you be a paint brush." He then turned into a paint brush 

"I present to you for the last time, the teen titans." When they brought you guys up they saw nothing but truthfully you guys covered yourself in paint being invisible "What!?" Mumbo looks in Raven cage "Alakazam!" Raven hit Mumbo straight out the hat causing you guys to be out too "Oh thank gosh were back I was tired of flying." You said "Alight I'm back!, with a vengeance." Cyborg says as he looks at Mumbo, he tried running but Robin threw his gadget tripping him "Yes! you have no bananas." Beast boy says, Raven takes his hat as the police holds him "Were making sure you don't have any encore performances." "But- but my magic how did you escape?" 

"I had a better trick up my sleeve." "I got to know come on kid just between us, tell me what you did."

"A magician never reveals their secrets." Raven says as he puts on the hat

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