Chapter 30: Yes

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Carina's POV:

I woke up with limbs tangled together and a splitting headache. I did not expect a hangover, I didn't think I drank that much. I couldn't quite figure out how to untangle myself from maya but I had to pee and deal with this headache. I decided to gently wake her to do so, otherwise she would wake up grumpy.

I kissed her all over her face gently but never her lips.
"Come on." She said groggily.
"What?" I laughed.
"Kiss me already." She whined.

Laughing I kissed her lightly. She groaned and deepened it drawing me into her.
"Bambina, it's not that I don't want to kiss you but I have a monster hangover and need to pee."
"Fine. I had a headache too and need a shower."

We got up and she went to brush her teeth while I peed. I just sat there and stared at her realizing we've never done this before and got nervous. We usually give space and haven't reached this point in our relationship yet.

"Why are you staring at me Carina?" She asked with her toothbrush in her mouth.
"I um. I don't know. I guess I'm just nervous."
"Nervous? About what?"

She stopped brushing her teeth and realized this milestone we unknowingly reached.
"No need to be nervous. I'm glad we're comfortable with each other."
"You don't think it'll take the magic away? Being like this?"
"No. I think I love you even more somehow right now."

She walked over after spitting and rinsing her mouth and kissed me.
"See still magical." She grinned and walked away.

I could hear the coffee maker roaring and  the sounds of a blender. I hope she's making those hangover smoothies, they work like magic. I finished and threw on a robe after quickly jumping in the showeR before going back into the bedroom. I was looking through my closet for something to wear. I took out a pair of black jeans and a 19 sweatshirt Maya had left here to wear. I opted for no bra and just comfort.

I got changed and put my hair up in a bun. I decided to put on glasses instead of contacts and washed my face and brushed my teeth. Feeling better slightly from some hygiene changes I walked downstairs. I saw Maya working in the kitchen.

"You look sexy getting things ready over there." I said as I walked over and wrapped her in a hug.
"You're very affectionate baby." She laughed and hugged me back tightly.
"What's for breakfast?"

She passed me a plate of pancakes. She also handed me a cup of coffee, a glass of water, and a cup with the hangover smoothie in it. I felt very loved in this moment being taken care of. And to add to it she then handed me 2 aspirins.

"You are very sweet Maya, thank you."
She kissed the top of my head and sat down next to me.
"You deserve to be taken care of, you always help me when I need it."

I smiled at her and was about to eat.
"Wait! You need to drink the water, take the meds, and down the smoothie first. Then eat the carbs and drink coffee. Trust me, the hangover will be gone in an hour."

I did as she said and when finished I could feel almost completely better. She took all my dishes and went over to the sink.
"I can do the dishes, you cooked. You can to shower while I take care of this."
"Okay, I love you." She said in a singsong voice and kissed me quickly.

I could hear the shower start and I began cleaning up. As I finished cleaning up and getting everything back in order I decided to make soup for lunch in our crockpot. I put everything in and then got  another cup of coffee. As I was walking into the bedroom I saw Maya standing in her underwear looking through my clothes. I placed my coffee down and walked over to her.

I kissed her shoulder and then her neck. I could feel her relax at my touch, I love the effect I have on her.
"What are we doing today?" She asked turning around to face me.
"I was going to ask you the same thing. Do you want to walk to the beach? It's too cold to swim but I want to see the ocean. We also need to get groceries if we're going to stay here? We shopped for your house."
"Do you want to stay here?" She asked.
"Not necessarily. Honestly, I don't care where I am as long as I'm with you."
"Do you want to move in with me? It's okay if it's too soon, but after my injury you've been there and I'm cleared to go back to work tomorrow full force. So it's not a need anymore. But I want you to be there when I get home, I want to fall asleep in your arms and to wake up with you next to me."
"I love you Bambina, yes I want to live with you!"

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