Chapter 9: Records

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Maya's point of view

After getting in the shower we washed each other's hair and Carina got down on her knees and pulled one of my legs over her shoulder. "Carina this feels amazing. I've never liked shower sex before you." "Me either, it was never my thing. But I want to have sex with you everywhere." It didn't take long of her eating me out for me to cum hard for her. As I was coming down from the high she abruptly inserted 2 fingers and sucked hard on my clit causing me to cum again without any build up. "Fuck! Carina oh my god yes! Yes! Shit!" I almost fell but she had such a grip in my hip it kept me upright. As I came down she let me this time and put my leg down. She came up to kiss me and I could taste myself on her. "You just had to beat the record huh?" "Well when I see an opportunity it would be stupid to let it pass!" We finished our shower and dried off. She got me a shirt to wear and we climbed into bed. She laid her head in my chest and wrapped her arms and a leg around me. "Maya, this has been my favorite date yet." "I bet, it was the longest too. It's 3am." "Seriously?! Fuck me I have to work at 8." "I already did. You better sleep now so you can rest before work then. I work at 9 so I also have to be a little tired tomorrow." She laughed and snuggled in closer. "Bon a noche Bambina." "Goodnight Carina." The night passed quickly and I woke up at 7 am to her alarm. She cursed and rolled over the turn it off. "Sorry to wake you Bella." "Its okay; I wanted to wake up before you got out of bed." I pulled her back to me and kissed her. We kissed for a few minutes before she groaned and got up. "I have to start getting ready but I would rather stay here all day." "Me too, but I should head back to my place to get ready for today. When are you off today?" "8pm; 12 hour shift today. I'll probably come home and go right to bed too." "Oh okay. I'm off at 7 so we will probably miss each other then." I said trying to mask my disappointment. "Bella; I didn't say we wouldn't see each other. I just know I'll need to sleep. Do you want me to come over and I can sleep at your place. I'd love to hear about your day and I sleep so much better with you." I couldn't help but smile. "I would love that. Text me when your on your way and I'll make some popcorn and we can just lay down and watch tv or something." She came over to kiss me by the door. "I love that idea. I will see you tonight maya. Enjoy your day captain." I kissed her hard and before I could get lost in it I opened the door and walked to my car. At home I only had time to get dressed and throw my long blonde hair into a ponytail and to pack my bag. I arrived just in time and Andy was waiting for me outside my office door. "Good morning captain. Sleep well last night? Date 3 if I remember..." she said with a smirk on her face. "Come on Andy, what's the big deal? It was just sex." "Yeah, but you never look this happy after sex or ever really." I rolled my eyes, "what's your point Andy?" "Maya, we don't talk anymore and I want to hear about this woman who has grabbed your attention so much! I'm not asking to meet her... yet... but I just want to hear how you feel and how things are going." "I'm sorry Andy, you're right. Becoming captain has made our friendship harder to balance and not show favoritism. I want to work on it Andy I really do." "So about this woman." I laughed, "okay, come on in." I opened my office door. "Her name is Carina and she's a doctor at Grey Sloan. She's an OBGYN." "Wait, so your dating a girl who looks at vaginas all day?" "Well, not all day. But I guess so, I haven't really thought about it." "Okay, anyways what does this Carina look like?" "She's tall, thin, curvy, italian." "Like from Italy?!" "Yeah." "Oh my god maya what a catch! She sounds hot." "Oh she is. She can also cook and is mature and so sexy. Andy, I feel so connected to her emotionally and physically." "Wow maya it sounds like you're really falling for her." "I am and it's honestly terrifying because I feel like I'm going to screw it up like every other relationship." I began to pace back and forth. "Maya calm down you're not going to screw it up. Have you told Carina how you feel?" "Of course not that would screw it up even more. I always run away from people who care about me and the more she cares the more I'll want to run." "So don't. Tell her and run to her instead. Break the cycle." I stopped pacing. "I guess your right." "Maya I know you. You're happy and you don't want to run. So don't run away. And talk to your hot Italian woman." Just then the alarms went off. We ran out to get in the trucks and get off to The emergency. I was being fed information by the dispatcher. "Alright 19, there is a small fire at a restaurant downtown. When we arrive you know the drill. Secure the area and I will determine if we need to enter the fire and from which location. There were families inside that have evacuated but we will need to do a quick sweep to make sure they are all accounted for." Once we arrived the smoke was rising high into the air. "Alright let's go 19!" I yelled as we exited the trucks. I met with the police on sight and they said everyone is accounted for that they know of and no major injuries. All of a sudden though a man ran out coughing and struggling to breathe. "Montgomery take him to the aid car and get O2 now while checking for any other major injuries." "No, no; my wife! She's still inside: she's pregnant and was in the bathroom. I went back for her but I can't find her!" "Okay, Herrera and Hughes you go sweep the area inside and out. Warren and Gibson go find this pregnant woman and report the status. Miller and Sullivan hook the hoses up to water lines: let's go!" After a few minutes I got updates. "Captain, the hoses are secured and ready to go." "Captain, the area outside is secure; gas line is off and we are cleared to attack." "Captain, we found the pregnant woman but we need a stretcher." I send Montgomery in with a stretcher. "What's her status?" "She's breathing but shallow. From what I can tell she's in active labor but she is unconscious." "Okay, get her out of there and I'll let grey Sloan know we are on our way!" I let the dispatchers know and they asked if we needed help on the scene. "Maybe; I don't know if the baby will wait but the woman is unconscious." As soon as the had her out I did a quick pelvic exam. "She's having this baby now she won't make it to the hospital." I grabbed gloves and a gown. The dispatcher replied, "dr. DeLuca is in route, 2 minutes out Captain." My heart raced but I had to stay focused. "Thank you." "Herrera!" I yelled. She ran over, you're acting Captain right now, I'm going to take care of this woman I have the most experience to deliver her baby. Can you handle it luitenent?" "Yes Captain. Alright 19, let's get this fire out!" She had all hands on deck to put out the fire and quickly I could tell it was handled well. Montgomery stayed with me to help. An ambulance pulled up quickly and Carina jumped out fully dressed in medical gear needed and a bag to come with her full of extra supplies. The ambulance left and Carina ran over. She didn't recognize me until she spoke to me, "hello; I'm dr. Carina DeLuca and I'm..... maya?" "Hi. Um 26 year old female in active labor found unconscious in a bathroom. Minimal smoke inhalation and vitals are stable." She shook off the surprise. "Okay. I'm going to do a pelvic exam and see what the best course of action is with the mama unconscious." She did the exam, "she is 10 cm and I can feel the baby's head crowning. She's having this baby vaginally and this is very dangerous. No pushing can cause many issues. Let do what we can to get her awake." She worked on the woman and all of a sudden she gasped awake. "Ma'am, it's okay tou we're in an accident but you are okay and your baby is fine. I need you to stay calm and you are having this baby now." "Okay, where is my husband? I just needed to go to the bathroom and my water broke and the contractions hurt so bad I slipped and now I'm here." Carina checked her head for an injury. "Your husband is getting treated for some smoke inhalation but he's okay. You just have a mild concussion and you're going to need to push soon. Carina used the fetal heart monitor she brought to check on the baby. "Strong heart beat and healthy. Good job mama you're doing great. Ready to push? Maya, I mean Captain a bishop would you please help me down here?" "Yes, Montgomery you're going to stay up by her and talk her through this. You're her support now." I walked over to Carina and asked "how can I help?" "You're going to catch the baby." "What?" I asked in a whisper. "I'm going to help guide her and will help you catch but as soon as the baby is out I will have to work on her and to get her to deliver the placenta. So you'll need to grab a blanket and you'll be holding the baby. Can you do that?" "Yeah, I can." I grabbed a blanket and got down by carina. I could see the baby crowning. "Alright mama; time to push! I'll tell you when to stop and push just follow me and we will be okay." "Okay; just take care of my baby:" Carina coached the woman through and next thing I knew there was a baby for me to catch. "Alright Captain do you have the baby?" "Yes" I answered as I wrapped the baby up and did the apgar test. "Apgar 9" I said as the baby began to cry loud and healthy. Carina was working on the mom and soon had her cleaned up and ready to go. I snuggled the baby close and took a seat showing the mom the baby. "Was it a girl or boy?" "A girl." I answered. "Okay we are cleared to go, Montgomery are you driving?" "Yes I am Dr. DeLuca." "Captain are you staying or do you need to go back?" "I just need to check on my team first but you need an extra set of hands." I opened the ambulance doors and called Herrera over. "Status Herrera." "Fire is out we're working on debreit and securing the area now. Are you taking this bundle of joy to Grey Sloan?" "Yes, I'll need you for paperwork after but I trust you have everything under control. Where did her husband go?" "Grey Sloan they needed to get him there to see Dr. Avery for some burns." "Okay, see you back at 19. Let's go Montgomery." We drove to Grey Sloan in quiet for a 5 minute drive and I could tell Carina wanted to say something but respected that I had a team member nearby. When we arrived they took the mom up to recovery and took the baby from me for extra tests. Carina stood beside me, "are you going right back Captain?" "I will have some paperwork here to do first. But then I will need to." Travis walked over, "Captain do you want me to wait for you?" "No, it might be a while with 2 people being brought in. I'll find a ride or make my way back: will you take my gear though? I don't need this anymore." "Yes I will. See ya later for dinner." As he closed the doors I took a deep breath. "What a day."

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