Chapter 23: Normal

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Carina's point of view

"How was your time with Arizona?" Maya asked. "It was good to chat with her and get to let this load off of my chest I didn't know I had. I didn't realize I was holding back from you but I am and I don't want to anymore." "I feel the same way. Let's order dinner and just talk tonight. About everything. When will you go back to work?" "Bailey told me 7 days, so next Monday. 4 days from now. But I can stay longer if you need." "No that's fine; I'll be okay alone or I'll have Andy and Vic take turns hanging out. I want you to go back, the mamas need you." "And I need the mamas." Carina added. "I'll only have one week to be without you and without work. So I'll fill it with people. Maybe I'll see if my friend Georgia wants to come visit, we never have time together and I grew up with her." "She sounds like a great person, I would love to meet her. What should we get for dinner?" "Burgers sound so good. The veggie ones from Sullys are amazing." "Then burgers it is." We got burgers and fries with milkshakes to take home. We ate dinner on the couch while watching a new show. After we snuggled up and talked through things we had recently discovered and how we were processing things. "Carina, can we take a bath?" " sure, do you want me to make it for you?" "Yes but I want you to take a bath with me. I want to feel close to you and I also want a bath I'm sore and tense." "Still no orgasms?" I asked with a wink. "I don't think so but soon baby, I'll keep talking to you about it though. So a bath?" "Yes Bambina let's do it." I made her a bubble bath and I helped her climb in to stay safe and the I climbed in behind her. I realized this is more vulnerable and personal than a shower. It's slow and deliberate and we are so close and naked. "You okay back there?" Maya asked as she leaned her body against mine melting into me. "Yes. I'm perfect. This is perfect. I love you." "I love you too baby." We just enjoyed the bath and being together not really doing much. I thought she was falling asleep when she asked, "does it bother you that I can't have sex right now?" This caught me off guard a bit and I hadn't really thought much of it yet. "Maya, it's your body and if you're not ready to physically or emotionally then it's not really up to me." "I know, you're like the queen of consent even in relationships babe. But that doesn't really answer my question." "I guess the best way to explain it is that of course I miss your body. I miss it in a sexy way because I have your body now or in bed. But I miss being able to make you feel confident and sexy with me. Of course I want to have sex with you but I want you to heal and feel ready before we do so again. You also are amazing more than you know because I need sex more than most people. I'm sex driven and I know this. I love sex with you so much and even when your body isn't ready you still had sex with me. So I will wait as long as you need and I'll be patient. I'm don't want you to feel worried about me for this Bambina." I could feel her begin to cry a little and I wiped her tears away. "Thank you for understanding me. I want sex so badly and it's frustrating that my body isn't there. I miss you in that way. But I want you to still be able to have what you need sexually. So let's just keep this an open discussion?" "Of course bella, are you ready to get out?" She nodded and I helped her out and helped her dry off. The next week together passed by so quickly between people coming to visit and physical therapy.

Maya's point of view

The day had come for carina to go back to work and I was cleared to do paperwork from home. That is as long as I keep up with physical therapy and see a counselor for the events that happened. I was scheduled to see a Callie and do my first counseling session today while at the hospital. We decided to go together since my appointments were both first thing this morning. After Andy is going to pick me up to visit the station and see everyone. "Baby are you ready to go?" I shouted from the kitchen to carina. She was taking a long time to get ready this morning. She came out flustered while putting in her earrings and putting things in her bag. "Yes maya, I just need to get things together quickly. I am running so behind! I forgot how much work it is to get out of the house in the morning." I smiled at her and handed her a latte I made with our new espresso machine and a packed lunch. "What? Maya this is so sweet and thoughtful. This just saved me so much time!" She said as she covered her face. "I'm so sorry I'm being a bitch this morning and I'm not ready to go. But I am now." I walked over and wrapped my arms around her waist. "It's okay babe, it's your first day back and I know you're worried about me. So let's talk about it in the car if your ready." She gave me a small smile and kissed me on my nose. We got into her car and got to the hospital with a few minutes to spare. I took her hand and pulled her face to look at me. "I love you carina and it's all going to be okay. We just need to adjust and transition back to what's normal. I'll text you all day and keep you updated. I will make sure I don't over do it or push myself too far. But I'm ready to take this next step. Are you?" She kissed me softly. "Yes, I'm just worried. I haven't had to be away from you and I know your just doing paperwork but it makes me anxious for you to go back after what happened." "Maybe you should talk to someone? You liked the group of partners and felt better but maybe you would benefit from seeing a counselor like I am." I gently suggested. She signed and laid her forehead on my shoulder. "I think it might help so I can feel like we can adjust back. I love you so much. Let's go?" I nodded and we got out to go into the hospital. We were greeting by several doctors that were happy to see carina back. I'm glad she has some friends here that she can enjoy seeing at work! Now to get through these appointments.

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