chapter 13 : won't you sleep with me?

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"That was the cutest adventure i have ever seen "
"I know right"
"Better than the books i read"
"So romantic"
People clapped and cheered.
Many was thankful to be in this class and that they didn't miss it.
After the show everyone went to eat dinner since the class has ended
The students and the disciples went to eat dinner lan zhan and wei ying sit beside each other with their daughter in wei ying's lab.
Lan zhan put out from one of his sleeves a bottle of spice.
Wei ying looked at lan zhan .
"You told me you don't like the food and wei ying wanted spice"Said lan zhan.
"You remembered ,so thoughtful of you lan zhan"said wei ying with a smile .it can blind if it's possible.
"No problem"said lan zhan as he looked away with red ears .
"But you were with me lan zhan ,when did you get it?"asked wei ying as he put spice in his food.
"Brother"said lan zhan
"Thank him for me ,lan zhan"said wei ying.
"Mn"said lan zhan.
"A-niang ,i want some"said the little girl.
"Ok"said Wei ying.
As he lowered his head ,his daughter whispered"A-niang,look at A-die's ears. when he's embarrassed or shy they became red".
When Wei ying looked at lan zhan his ears were indeed red.
"how didn't i notice?"thought Wei ying.
"Because you're dense"answered the girl.
Wei ying looked at her .
"It's pretty obvious what are you thinking you Know"said the girl
"Let's eat"said lan zhan
They begin to eat . Jiang Cheng looked at wei ying and pointed at the spice .
Wei ying give him the bottle while lan zhan glaring at Jiang Cheng for taking the spice Wich he only brought for his wei ying.
Jiang Cheng shivered a bit as he put some spice and returned it to wei wuxian.
After the dinner,wei ying was going to his room until lan Mai spoke "A-niang aren't you going to the jingshi with us?"
"Huh, i can-"before he continue lan zhan cut him off (Wich is breaking the rules, but this is his cough husband cough )
"Wei ying can stay there"said lan zhan with his expressionless face .
He took wei ying's hand with Maimai in arms and went to the jingshi with disciples staring Wich earned them a glare.
So they got scared and looked away.
When they reached it, lan zhan put his daughter down and opened the door and went in.
wei ying quickly went in with his daughter and closed the door .
lan zhan opened his bedroom and told them "you can stay here and sleep"
The little girl looked at him and said "won't you sleep with me?"
He looked at her she continued "you always sleep with mommy " lan zhan ears went red with wei ying who was with a flushed face.
"I'm here in timeline Wich is not mine, I'm scared"said Maimai with her head down.
"But it's okay , you're uncomfortable with each other "she said .
"No"said lan zhan .
"We will sleep in the same bed"said lan zhan
Wei ying was embarrassed after hearing this.
"Really!!??"she said as she looked at wei ying with hopeful eyes .
"Yes we will"said wei ying with a smile looking at his daughter and lan zhan *cough *his future husband*cough*
"You should take off your outer robes,are you gonna sleep in it?"she asked .
"Of course not"wei ying answered.
They both took off their outer robes and was in their inner robes .the two were really embarrassed .
They layed in the bed with Maimai in between.
The little girl soon fall asleep while the two have been staring in each other's eyes ,they couldn't take off their eyes off each other.
Lan zhan looked he know now that he truly had fallen for this man ,his face ,his smile,his laugh .he liked everything about this man.
Wei ying looked at lan zhan his perfect body,his golden eyes,he looked like an immortal no wonder he fell on love with this man .
"It's 9 we should sleep"said lan zhan.
Wei ying nodded and closed his eyes as lan zhan covered them with the blanket so they don't fell cold with his hand on wei ying waist hugging him with their daughter.
For the first time in his life ,he felt really content and genuinely happy.
He doesn't want anything but this .
He soon drift to sleep with his little family.
Well I hope you like it this chapter☺️💖 I hope that you are enjoying my books. and I'm thinking about little smut in this book some PapaPapa if you know what I mean 😏🍵
if you want that tell me I will put warning for the people who doesn't like it
stay tuned for the next one 😉

 and I'm thinking about little smut in this book some PapaPapa if you know what I mean 😏🍵if you want that tell me I will put warning for the people who doesn't like it stay tuned for the next one 😉

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