Naturally, Nyran only knew about the deaths from Lahar himself -- he'd had a long fit of helpless rage, venting his woes, leading to his untimely demise. The nation, not aware of the cost, was celebrating and thanking the Dominion for bringing the sorely needed resources and manpower to rebuild their home. Nyran was grateful, too, but the hurt they had inflicted on her family was hard to forgive. She watched Lahar die in her arms as they were waiting for a physician to show up, and his funeral was only a month ago. The pain was still fresh, the nightmares vivid.

"Oh." Her tone clearly wasn't lost on Dukat. "I heard Teral had succumbed to a heart-attack on the eve of my return. You must blame me for his fate. I assure you, Nyran, the deaths of the councilmen was not what I wanted and I'm truly sorry for your loss," he ducked his chin with a solemn expression on his scaled face. "What I've done was to save all of Cardassia. Surely you believe that, don't you?" he leaned closer, studying her. "Or did you agree with the sorry state the empire had fallen into during my absence? The Klingon attacks, the starvation, the plagues? Do you dislike the benefits the Dominion has brought us?"

"I don't meddle in politics, sir," Nyran shook her head, cursing at herself privately. Antagonizing her boss on day one, what a way to go. Perhaps the emotional reasons behind her unwise approach would soften him up. "But Lahar was my family. He took good care of me and gave me as much love and attention as his own children. He's... missed," she swallowed, fighting off a wave of crushing pain.

A shark-like smile bloomed on Dukat's lizard-like face.

"Teral was not the only Cardassian who had a soft spot for Bajoran women, Nyran," he winked at her. "I also can take care of you... in any way you wish."

The implication in his voice made Nyran recoil, but it was out of respect for her late fatherly figure he had just insulted. She had never noticed any ulterior motives in Teral's generosity and she did not intend to dishonor his memory by believing Dukat's accusations.

His invitation and seductive tone actually flattered her. The very thought of physical relations with leading figures of the Occupation would probably make any other Bajoran sick to their stomach, but Nyran held no ill will against her captors. Save for the separation from her family, she had never received harsh treatment on this world.

She must have been a cute baby, for she got adopted into Lahar Teral's family and raised as any other local child instead of rotting in an orphanage for stolen Bajoran kids(5). She was officially expected to repay their kindness with service, but they treated her as their own blood. Lahar even sent her to school, so she would be able to find a job when she grew up. She never lacked for anything substantial -- beside friends.

She was always the outsider and finding people to share her life with was difficult. Most Cardassians were wary of her, staying cool and detached, but never openly bullied her. It was likely because of Lahar himself, an honored member of society and a powerful man, as mistreating his slave without his approval might have born unpleasant consequences. He used the flaws of the system to protect an alien child he fell in love with. Nyran respected him deeply for all he had done for her and all he had taught her.

All the habits, beliefs and traditions ingrained into her were Cardassian. She felt Cardassian. Even her personal ID proudly showed off Cardassian citizenship she had asked for and been granted during the previous year. The only Bajoran thing she chose to do was wear the earring, her only heritage -- and even that was only because she thought it looked nice. Her old Bajoran nanny, who died many years ago, would tell her stories and teach her about her culture, and Nyran found it interesting to listen to, but never felt a part of it. This, this arid soil, hot dry air and lofty architecture were her home.

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