chapter 19

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The next morning:

I wake up next to a naked Emma. She is laying wide awake looking at me smiling. "Good morning baby" she smiles. "Goodmorning" I say moving my body to hers. She wraps her arms around my body wanting to keep it forever. I give her shoulder a little kiss, closing my eyes. I fall asleep again waking back up at 12pm. Emma has showered and is fully clothed already. I sit up covering my body with the covers. "Can you give me a shirt and a pair of undies" I ask her. She throws me one of her shirts and a pair of my underwear. I put them on getting out of bed. I waddle over to her taking her into a hug. "Last night was fun." I smirk. She responds with a kiss.

I took shower and put on a pair of sweats with Ems shirt. I put my hair in a bun and walk out of the bathroom. I walk back in to her room taking my phone from her nights and and going downstairs. I walk in to a kitchen filled with a weird tension. I rub Emma's back before sitting down at the table. Emma clears her throath: " Mom dad I gotta tell you something." I grab her hand under the table giving it a scuize. "So let's start with saying. what you saw yesterday you weren't supposed to see but yes me and River are together." She tells them. "So yes that means I like girls. I do not know if I still like boys or not but That's not that important right now." She explains. She looks at them with a nervous face. "We're both so proud of you and of you too River. We are extremely happy that you guys are happy because That's the only thing that matters." Her mom says. I give her mom a smile and give Emma's hand another scuize. She let's go off my hand and walks to her parents giving them a hug. Her mom takes my arm and brings me into the hug.

We went shopping with her parents and had a fun day. They are way more supportive of us both than my parents would ever be. Is till feel slight uncomfortable with knowing that her mom saw me and her daughter half naked. I will get over that in a few days to a week I think. I feel so loved right now, knowing Emma wants to be with me and her parents being supportive of us. We bought 3 pride flags today. Two for in her room and one for outside her house. That night we also went out to eat for her parents 10 year anniversary. We had loads of fun and ate so damn good.

The next day we hung up the three flags. We know there will be people that will not be supportive of it but her parents have cameras hung up and will be able to see if someone would take the flag down. That night we sat downstairs with her parents and watched a film. Ems fell asleep 40 minutes into the film.

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