Chapter 12

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Emma's pov:

I haven't stopped thinking about her. She makes me feel whole. She treats me like a princess and looks at me with this look that makes me melt. Do I like her? Does she like me? I have no idea. I am going to figure it out. I want to, I need to know what I feel for her.

When we got home from our walk, we fell asleep the second we layed down. "Wake up love" she wakes me up. I open my eyes locking eyes with River having a little smile on her face. I jump when I realise we got school and start rushing through my whole bedroom. She grabs a hold of me and doesn't let me go. I try to get out of her grip but fail and give in. She tells me to breathe so I do. She let's me go once I did what she asked. I put on an outfit while she sits on the bed laughing to herself. I smile a little at how cute her laugh is. I walk over to the mirror putting on some mascara and lipgloss. I look at her through the mirror and ask: "Do you want me to tape your boobs again?" I ask her politely. "No I don't feel very dysphoric today. But thanks." she tells me. I give her a smile and look back at myself. When I turn around she looks nervous. "Is something wrong, I can see that you're nervous." I say. "I was just thinking about what would happen if everyone at school would know that I am gay." she says. I have a feeling she isn't telling me the thruth but don't push her to.

River's pov:

I wanna tell her. I'm sitting here waiting, knowing she will see that I'm nervous about something. So I try to come up with a story I can tell her when she asks me if something is wrong. And as I thought she noticed and asked me if I was okay. I told her I was thinking about what would go down if I would be out to the whole school. I don't think she believes me but she doesn't say anything about. So I think I'm fine.

It's now lunch time and am sitting with Em and her friends at a table outside. The only thing they talk about is boys boys boys. After 20 minutes of pure boy drama I stand up and walk away from the table. They look after me but directly start talking again. I walk over to an empty bench and sit down looking on my phone. I can feel someone going to sit down next to me. When I look up I see Noah. I roll my eyes and look back at my phone ignoring him. "You fucked up mine and Emma's relationship. You know that. If you just kept your mouth shut me and her would still be together. You probably want her for yourself don't you you disgusting f*g!" he insults me. I look at him with anger and say: "First of all I had all the right to say that to her and she nor me is the problem in this situation but you are. And second of all no I don't want her for myself she is my best friend and that doesn't mean I want to be with her. And last do not ever insult me like that you fucking heterosexual dipshit with a small ass peen. And don't ever take that word in your mouth ever again." I try not to scream. He laughs and stands up." You really think you're better than me don't you. Just because you're a f*g. Well let me tell you something you're not." he says. " You don't wanna do this right now. You really don't you asshole." I warn him. "Well I am. Are you a scared little f*g." he keeps going. "I swear of you don't stop right now you will not come out of this without a broken nose." I warn him for the last time. "You think you can win from me." he laughs, "You' re so funny you f*g" he goes on. That was my last straw. I hit him right in the face. He pushes me off of him but I punch again breaking his nose. I keep hitting him over and over again until I feel someone grab me and pulling me back.

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