chapter 1

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River's POV:

Last day of school. Everyone running and throwing papers around happy that the school year is finally over after today. I'm sitting in the corner of the lunchroom, reading my favorite book.  The bell rings the last class of the year is starting. I'm making my way through the crowd fastly, getting to class before everyone else. Walking into class I see my favorite teacher Miss Gilliana, she's my philosophy teacher. Ending this pretty rough year with philosophy is maybe the best thing that has happened all year. 

"River," she starts "never missing any classes I see." I look up from my book: "Nope, surely not missing my last philosophy class in this school." I say smiling softly. she smiles and walks back to her desk and sitting down doing some last minute work.  15 minutes pass before a small group of the class is seated. We didn't do much since it's the last day of school. Everyone was talking to eachother not paying attention to anything. Miss Gilliana comes to the back of the class standing right beside my desk. " What are you reading?" she asks me. "Oh, uhm it's this poem book pillow thoughts." She takes a seat beside me. "Do you have a favorite poem so far?" "yeah, this one. 'only you decide how your story must be told be daring, be bold' " I say to her. She looks at the poem for a few minutes and looks up. "That's a very beautiful and touching poem River." she says softly. I blush lightly and look away grinning. 

After class:

Everyone's running out the school throwing their books away. I slowly walk to the school bathrooms, Bumping into someone. " sorry." I tell them. "No problem, are you okay?" they tell me. I look up and nod. I start walking again entering the girls bathroom. I get into a stall and burst out crying. Everything comes out at once. someone walks in and I try to stay quiet. I let out a loud sob, the person who's in the bathrooms hears me and asks: "Are you okay?" I walk out of the stall wiping my eyes directly locking eyes with my philosophy  teacher. She has a worried look on her face. When she sees my face stained with tears she doesn't say anything but pulls me into a warm and tight hug. I melt into her body and let all the tears come out. after a few minutes she loosens the hug and holds my arms While asking me "What's wrong, you can tell me if you want." I look up at her "I don't know what's wrong myself." telling her the truth. She gives me an understanding nod and hugs me again. Minutes pass just standing there hugging. We eventually let go of each other and she starts walking out the door "If you ever need someone to talk to I'm always here for you just know that." she says before disappearing into the hallways. I wash my face with water and walk outside to where my bike is and ride home. On my way home I start thinking. why did I start crying like that? I ask myself. What could possibly made me burst into tears the second I closed that stall door?

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