Chapter 13

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I'm sitting in the principal's office waiting for my parents to arrive. Noah has to be glad that Emma pulled me off of him. I would've put him in the hospital if she didn't. I have been sitting here for about 15 minutes with Noah's oarents looking at me in disgust. My parents finally arrive after 20 minutes. They sit down and the principal doesn't wast any time. He starts telling them what I did and what my punishment is. I'm getting suspended for a month. I don't really care that much and just sit there unamused. After we're done my parents pull me apart and start yelling at me. I yell at thel to shut up and listen to me. They go quiet and wait for me to start. I tell them I only fought with him because he was calling me a homewrecker and a f*g. And that he was insulting Emma. "That's no good reason to almost out that poor boy in the hospital!" my mom yells. I'm not even chocked thzt she said that. "You're coming home with us and you will not leave that house until next month." my dad demands me. "First of all I'm not doing anything that any of you tell me. And two I'm not going anywhere with you homophobes." I say and walk off. I'm looking for Emma and find her sitting on the bench where it all went down. I walk over to her sitting down next to her." What was that for!" she yells at me." Hey, I only did that because he was insulting both of us and started calling me a f*g." I tell her trying to keep my voice down. "And I warned him multiple times to just go away. But of course he didn't." I tell her. She looks at me with eyes filled with anger and disappointment but also another feeling. "You wanna know what he told me?" I ask her. "That would be nice yes." she answers.

"Okay, so I just came to sit here away from all the boy problems and he just came to sit next to me. He started with saying that if I hadn't told you that you and him would still be together. Then he called me a f*g multiple times. And told be that I shouldn't feel better as him. Then I started warning him to just go away because otherwise he would end up with a broken nose. So he laughed at me and called me a f*g again. That wzs my last straw and started hitting him. I did it for you." I tell her the truth. She looks relieved but also chocked. " Did he really say all of that?" she asks me. "Well yeah I just told you what he said." I tell her confused. She looks at me and tzkes my hand confirming that she's on my side.

My parents left after 10 minutes of trying to get me to go home with them. I didn't and never want to go back there. I don't know what I'm gonna do now that I have been suspended for a whole ass month. I do know that I will be walking Ems to school every morning. And when she's at school I'll probably just write and read. Go on a walk. Meet her for lunch in the school parking lot. It'll be an interesting month. I am also planning on telling her that I'm Genderfluid. I just gotta find a creative way to do it. Cause I don't want to just tell her. The one thing I won't be doing is buying a cake and putting it on there with icing. Don't want it to end like last time. I'll probably write a poem and put it in one of her school books. So she reads it in school and I'll have a whole day to stress about it. And when she comes home she'll or support me or don't. I'm pretty sure she will.

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