"You know what step back, I'll do it myself."

Ok so pretty much Ricky banished my two makeup artists Ally and Lisa as according to him they were doing everything wrong.

It took a lot longer with him being a perfectionist, my nagging and him doing it alone but finally he was done. I had to admit, he'd done a fabulous job, I felt beautiful. My hair was done up in my intricate bun with pearls and delicate flowers. I had soft pink lips and a light shimmer on my eyes that wasn't too much. "Wow." I breath.

"Now for you to get into that wedding dress of yours." He held my hand lightly and we walked up into Grayson and I's bedroom, now that I've been moved in here. Ricky grabs my wedding dress that was hanging up in our wardrobe.

I undress and he pulls it up my body, doing up the gold buttons at the back. I look in the mirror, now with the full ensemble. My wedding dress is quite gorgeous.

The dress itself was light. While it still flowed out slightly at my waist it wasn't heavy. The top was a structured corset with floral embroidery and beading which flowed out and disappeared just past my waist. I put on the custom made shoes that match the dress perfectly. "Give is a twirl."

I do as Ricky says. If I'm to get married to my fake fiancé even though I'm falling or even in love with him, I'm glad I get to do it in this dress. It's not like it matters anyway, I don't have a mother to help me plan my wedding or go wedding dress shopping with.



"Did you choose this dress?" I assume he did instead of Grayson actually doing it, he's a busy man and doesn't have the time to go wedding dress shopping.

"No, Mr Black was adamant on picking it out himself. We spent a long time in the store and that's coming from me! He refused to leave until he found the perfect dress, even Gloria was starting to get pissed. But I've got to give him credit, the dress is absolutely perfect for you."

I look away from the mirror and back to Ricky, "thank you." I have tears in my eyes but I can't let them fall. It touched me that Grayson was so insistent on finding time the perfect wedding dress.

"Of course, now we need to get going or we're going to be late."


I step out of a white Daimler DB18 outside Graysons, parents home. I haven't seen Grayson all day and I can't lie I'm excited.

Ricky escorts me to a powder room for last minute touch ups. It's currently 3pm and we've got 20 minutes, till I'm supposed to walk down the isle.

"Ricky." His name comes out as a whisper.

"Yes sweet cheeks."

"I don't have anyone to walk me down the isle." I begin to feel my eyes water, I desperately blink them back.

"Don't worry hun, we've got that sorted."

"What do you-"

"How's the blushing bride!" Mason storms into the room in a black tuxedo.

"Mason?" He's smiling from ear to ear, he offers me his arm.

"Ready to charm the pants off my brother?"

"You're giving me away?" I can't help the small smile making its way onto my face.

"Why of course, I've always felt this fatherly bond, you know? Like you're my little girl... I remember the day you were born, you're little smushed face, I personally wanted to name you Shakira-"

I cut him off with a swift smack to the arm. "Alright, alright. I appreciate the story you seem to have created but if we don't start walking, Ricky's heads going to explode."

His Fake fiancé Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora